Updated on 2025/03/06


Wakayama Sayaka
Graduate Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences Bioagronomy (Advanced Biotechnology Center) Associate Professor
Associate Professor

Research History

  • University of Yamanashi   Assistant Professor


  • University of Yamanashi

    2013.4 - 2019.3

  • (独)理化学研究所   神戸   研究員

    2008.7 - 2013.3

  • 日本学術振興会   PD

    2006.3 - 2008.6


  • PhD ( Kobe University )

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Animal production science  / Reproductive Biology

  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Conservation of biological resources

  • Natural Science / Biogeosciences

  • Life Science / Animal production science

  • Life Science / Animal life science

Research Interests

  • 発生工学

  • 生殖生物学

  • 宇宙繁殖学

  • 受精

  • 卵子

  • freeze dry sperm

  • freeze dry cell

  • 体細胞クローン

  • ICSI

  • Reproduction/Divelopment

  • 精子

Research Projects

  • ”生き返る”細胞の凍結乾燥保存技術の開発   Major achievement

    2023.12 - 2024.11

    公益財団法人 カシオ科学振興財団  研究助成  基本B2-18

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Type of fund::Others

  • Possibility of space reproduction in mammals  Major achievement

    Grant number:23K18124  2023.6 - 2026.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  University of Yamanashi  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive  Type of fund::Science research expense

  • Reserch of Sperm Protection from Deep Space Radiation  Major achievement

    Grant number:23K08843  2023.4 - 2026.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  University of Yamanashi  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

  • 災害に強い、サスティナブルな哺乳類細胞の遺伝子資源保存方法の開発  Major achievement

    2021.4 - 2023.3

    公益財団法人 高橋産業経済研究財団 

    wakayama sayaka

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Type of fund::Donation

  • Feasibility Study for the generation of live cell from extinct or endangered animal  Major achievement

    Grant number:16H02593  2016.4 - 2019.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  University of Yamanashi  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    WAKAYAMA Teruhiko, WAKAYAMA Sayaka

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    Authorship:Coinvestigator(s)  Type of fund::Science research expense

    This study aims to recover and preserve genetic resources of extinct and endangered species. For this purpose, we tried to improve somatic cell nuclear cloning technology, and stability and tolerance of freeze-dried sperm nuclei were examined in order to conserve animal genetic resources. As a result, we succeeded in creating cloned mice from urine derived somatic cell nuclei. This result indicates that cloning techniques can increase the endangered species by non-invasively. We also discovered that freeze-dried spermatozoa can be stored at room temperature for over a year when it was preserved under high vacuum conditions.

  • Develop a new mammalian embryo thaw and culture system for ISS.  Major achievement

    Grant number:26506006  2014.4 - 2017.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  University of Yamanashi  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    WAKAYAMA Sayaka

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive  Type of fund::Science research expense

    The main problem for mammalian reproduction experiments in space is the very small size of embryos (80-100 μm), which generally requires researchers to learn appropriate handling techniques. Presently, the thawing and culturing of embryos are difficult even on the ground, especially if the experimentalist has not had much practice. In addition, this project will be performed under μG conditions, which makes it difficult to predict how to handle the embryos. Therefore, it is not realistic to expect untrained astronauts to do this directly. For this reason, we have started to develop a very simple thawing and culture system of mouse embryos using commercially available products. Using this system, astronauts will not need to handle the embryos, and will not need prior training. To overcome the impracticality of handling and culturing mammalian embryos, we planned a simple embryo thawing and culture system, which will allow the astronauts to perform this project smoothly.

  • The development of new technology to reanimation for endangered species.  Major achievement

    Grant number:21688020  2009.4 - 2014.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A)

    WAKAYAMA Sayaka

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive  Type of fund::Science research expense

    In this study, I tried to develop new technology to reanimate for extinct or endangered species. First, I had improved the basic nuclear transfer techniques, such as collection of intact donor nuclei from dead body, period of oocyte activation, and HDACi treatment. Second, mouse dried skin, preserved at room temperature for more than 1 year were used as the model of real animal. Although cloned blastocysts were obtained from preserved skin nucleus, those embryos failed to develop beyond blastocyst after embryo transfer. Third, I tried to repeat the nuclear transfer from somatic cell of cloned mouse to examine the possibility of infinite cloning. As the results, so far I could generate over 700 cloned mice from only one donor mouse by 30 times repeating of nuclear transfer.

  • 体細胞クローン技術における核の初期化機構の解明  Major achievement

    Grant number:06J00823  2006 - 2007

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  特別研究員奨励費

    若山 清香

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive  Type of fund::Science research expense

    体外受精に失敗した卵子を用いたマウスの体細胞クローンES細胞の作製クローン動物の作出や、クローン胚から免疫拒絶反応が起こらない患者自身のオーダーメイドES細胞(クローンES細胞)を樹立するためには、新鮮な卵子が不可欠だと考えられてきた。しかし韓国の論文捏造事件でも議論されたが、この技術の最大の問題点は健康な女性から多数の新鮮な卵子の提供を受けなければならないことであり、コスト面だけでなく倫理面からも卵子の利用が制限されていた。ところが体外受精などを行う不妊治療の現場では、受精しなかった卵子が毎日たくさん破棄されている。もしこの廃棄されている受精しなかった卵子を核移植に使うことができれば、使用できる卵子の制限がなくなり研究が大きく前進するだろう。そこで我々はマウスの体外受精を行い、受精失敗加齢卵子(Aged,fgrtilization-failure oocyte: AFF卵子)を用いて核移植を行ってみた。その結果、クローン胚盤胞まで発生した胚からは、クローンES細胞が比較的高率に樹立でき新鮮卵子を用いた場合との差は見られなかった。次に、AFF卵子から樹立されたクローンES細胞が本当にES細胞と呼べるものなのか調べてみた。核型およびES細胞のマーカー染色はすべて正常であり、またクローンES細胞由来の4倍体キメラも生まれてきた。これらの実験により、AFF卵子を利用して樹立されたクローンES細胞が受精卵由来ES細胞とまったく同等であることが証明できた。

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  • Effect of microgravity on mammalian embryo development evaluated at the International Space Station. Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Yasuyuki Kikuchi, Mariko Soejima, Erika Hayashi, Natsuki Ushigome, Chiaki Yamazaki, Tomomi Suzuki, Toru Shimazu, Tohru Yamamori, Ikuko Osada, Hiromi Sano, Masumi Umehara, Ayumi Hasegawa, Keiji Mochida, Li Ly Yang, Rina Emura, Kousuke Kazama, Kenta Imase, Yuna Kurokawa, Yoshimasa Sato, Akira Higashibata, Hitomi Matsunari, Hiroshi Nagashima, Atsuo Ogura, Takashi Kohda, Teruhiko Wakayama

    iScience   26 ( 11 )   108177 - 108177   2023.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Mammalian embryos differentiate into the inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm at the 8-16 cell stage. The ICM forms a single cluster that develops into a single fetus. However, the factors that determine differentiation and single cluster formation are unknown. Here we investigated whether embryos could develop normally without gravity. As the embryos cannot be handled by an untrained astronaut, a new device was developed for this purpose. Using this device, two-cell frozen mouse embryos launched to the International Space Station were thawed and cultured by the astronauts under microgravity for 4 days. The embryos cultured under microgravity conditions developed into blastocysts with normal cell numbers, ICM, trophectoderm, and gene expression profiles similar to those cultured under artificial-1 g control on the International Space Station and ground-1 g control, which clearly demonstrated that gravity had no significant effect on the blastocyst formation and initial differentiation of mammalian embryos.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.108177


  • Time-lapse observation of mouse preimplantation embryos using a simple closed glass capillary method. Reviewed Major achievement

    Yasuyuki Kikuchi, Daiyu Ito, Sayaka Wakayama, Masatoshi Ooga, Teruhiko Wakayama

    Scientific Reports   13 ( 1 )   19893 - 19893   2023.11( ISSN:2045-2322 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Time-lapse observation is a popular method for analyzing mammalian preimplantation embryos, but it often requires expensive equipment and skilled techniques. We previously developed a simply and costly embryo-culture system in a sealed tube that does not require a CO2 incubator. In the present study, we developed a new time-lapse observation system using our previous culture method and a glass capillary. Zygotes were placed in a glass capillary and sunk in oil for observation under a stereomicroscope. Warming the capillary using a thermoplate enabled most of the zygotes to develop into blastocysts and produce healthy offspring. This time-lapse observation system captured images every 30 min for up to 5 days, which confirmed that the developmental speed and quality of the embryos were not affected, even with fluorescence. Overall, this new system is a simple time-lapse observation method for preimplantation embryos that does not require dedicated machines and advanced techniques.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-47017-8


  • Aberrant histone methylation in mouse early preimplantation embryos derived from round spermatid injection Reviewed Major achievement

    Masatoshi Ooga, Yasuyuki Kikuchi, Daiyu Ito, Kousuke Kazama, Rei Inoue, Mizuki Sakamoto, Sayaka Wakayama, Teruhiko Wakayama

    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications   680   119 - 126   2023.9( ISSN:0006-291X )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    Round spermatid injection (ROSI) is the last resort and recourse for men with nonobstructive azoospermia to become biological fathers of their children. However, the ROSI-derived offspring rate is lower than intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in mice (20% vs. 60%). This low success rate has hindered the spread of ROSI in ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology). However, the cause of the ROSI-zygote-derived low offspring rate is currently unknown. In the previous studies, we reported that H3K9me3 and H3K27me3 exhibited ectopic localizations in male pronuclei (mPN) of ROSI-zygotes, suggesting that the carried over histone to zygotes conveys epigenetic information. In this study, we analyzed other histone modifications to explore unknown abnormalities. H3K36me3 showed an increased methylation state compared to ICSI-derived embryos but not for H3K4me3. Abnormal H3K36me3 was corrected until 2-cell stage embryos, suggesting a long window of reprogramming ability in ROSI-embryos. Treatment with TSA of ROSI-zygotes, which was reported to be capable of correcting ectopic DNA methylation in ROSI-zygotes, caused abnormalities of H3K36me3 in male and female PN (fPN) of the zygotes. In contrast, round spermatid TSA treatment before ROSI, which was reported to improve the preimplantation development of ROSI-zygotes, showed beneficial effects without toxicity in fPN. Therefore, the results suggest that TSA has some negative effects, but overall, it is effective in the correction of epigenetic abnormalities in ROSI-zygotes. When attempting to correct epigenetic abnormalities, attention should be paid to epigenomes not only in male but also in female pronuclei.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2023.09.020


  • A novel, simplified method to prepare and preserve freeze-dried mouse sperm in plastic microtubes. Reviewed Major achievement

    Li Ly Yang, Daiyu Ito, Natsuki Ushigome, Sayaka Wakayama, Masatoshi Ooga, Teruhiko Wakayama

    The Journal of reproduction and development   69 ( 4 )   198 - 205   2023.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Although freeze-drying sperm can save space, reduce maintenance costs, and facilitate the transportation of genetic samples, the current method requires breakable, custom-made, and expensive glass ampoules. In the present study, we developed a simple and economical method for collecting freeze-dried (FD) sperm using commercially available plastic microtubes. Mouse epididymal sperm suspensions were placed in 1.5 ml polypropylene tubes, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and dried in an acrylic freeze-drying chamber, after which they were closed under a vacuum. The drying duration did not differ between the microtube and glass ampoule methods (control); however, the sperm recovery rate was higher using the microtube method, and the physical damage to the sperm after rehydration was also reduced. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) using FD sperm stored in microtubes at -30°C yielded healthy offspring without reducing the success rate, even after 9 months of storage. Air infiltration into all microtubes stored at room temperature (RT) within 2 weeks of storage caused a drastic decrease in the fertilization rate of FD sperm; underwater storage did not prevent air infiltration. RT storage of FD sperm in microtubes for 1 week resulted in healthy offspring after ICSI (5-18%), but the addition of silica gel or CaCl2 did not improve the success rate. Our novel microtube method is currently the simplest and most effective method for treating FD sperm, contributing to the development of alternative low-cost approaches for preserving and transporting genetic resources.

    DOI: 10.1262/jrd.2023-034


  • Polycomb protein SCML2 mediates paternal epigenetic inheritance through sperm chromatin Major achievement

    Akihiko Sakashita, Masatoshi Ooga, Kai Otsuka, So Maezawa, Chikara Takeuchi, Sayaka Wakayama, Teruhiko Wakayama, Satoshi H Namekawa

    Nucleic Acids Research   51 ( 13 )   6668 - 6683   2023.6( ISSN:0305-1048  eISSN:1362-4962 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP)  


    Sperm chromatin retains small amounts of histones, and chromatin states of sperm mirror gene expression programs of the next generation. However, it remains largely unknown how paternal epigenetic information is transmitted through sperm chromatin. Here, we present a novel mouse model of paternal epigenetic inheritance, in which deposition of Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) mediated-repressive H3K27me3 is attenuated in the paternal germline. By applying modified methods of assisted reproductive technology using testicular sperm, we rescued infertility of mice missing Polycomb protein SCML2, which regulates germline gene expression by establishing H3K27me3 on bivalent promoters with other active marks H3K4me2/3. We profiled epigenomic states (H3K27me3 and H3K4me3) of testicular sperm and epididymal sperm, demonstrating that the epididymal pattern of the sperm epigenome is already established in testicular sperm and that SCML2 is required for this process. In F1 males of X-linked Scml2-knockout mice, which have a wild-type genotype, gene expression is dysregulated in the male germline during spermiogenesis. These dysregulated genes are targets of SCML2-mediated H3K27me3 in F0 sperm. Further, dysregulation of gene expression was observed in the mutant-derived wild-type F1 preimplantation embryos. Together, we present functional evidence that the classic epigenetic regulator Polycomb mediates paternal epigenetic inheritance through sperm chromatin.

    DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkad479


  • Mouse Cloning Using Outbred Oocyte Donors and Nontoxic Reagents. Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Yukari Terashita, Yoshiaki Tanabe, Naoki Hirose, Teruhiko Wakayama

    Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)   2647   151 - 168   2023

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) technology has become a useful tool for animal cloning, gene manipulation, and genomic reprogramming research. However, the standard mouse SCNT protocol remains expensive, labor-intensive, and requires hard work for many hours. Therefore, we have been trying to reduce the cost and simplify the mouse SCNT protocol. This chapter describes the methods to use low-cost mouse strains and steps from the mouse cloning procedure. Although this modified SCNT protocol will not improve the success rate of mouse cloning, it is a cheaper, simpler, and less tiring method that allows us to perform more experiments and obtain more offspring with the same working time as the standard SCNT protocol.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3064-8_7


  • 凍結乾燥保護剤を注入したマウス卵子の発生能 Major achievement

    市川遼, 伊藤大裕, 菊池康之, 若山清香, 若山照彦

    Journal of Mammalian Ova Research   40 ( 1 )   2023( ISSN:1341-7738 )

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  • Production of mouse offspring from zygotes fertilized with freeze-dried spermatids Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama , Daiyu Ito , Masatoshi Ooga , Teruhiko Wakayama

    Scientific Reports   12 ( 1 )   18430 - 18430   2022.11( ISSN:2045-2322 )

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:nature publishing group  

    Mouse cloning by nuclear transfer using freeze-drying (FD) somatic cells is now possible, but the success rate is significantly lower than that of FD spermatozoa. Because spermatozoa, unlike somatic cells, are haploid cells with hardened nuclei due to protamine, the factors responsible for their tolerance to FD treatment remain unclear. In this study, we attempt to produce offspring from FD spermatid, a haploid sperm progenitor cell whose nuclei, like somatic cells, have not yet been replaced by protamine. We developed a method for collecting FD spermatids from testicular suspension. Despite the significantly lower success rate than that of FD spermatozoa, healthy offspring were obtained when FD spermatids were injected into oocytes. Offspring were also obtained from FD spermatids derived from immature male mice that had not yet produced spermatozoa. These results suggest that nuclear protaminization, rather than haploid nuclei, is one of the key processes responsible for tolerance to FD treatment.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-22850-5


  • Development of a new device for manipulating frozen mouse 2-cell embryos on the International Space Station Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama ,Mariko Soejima,Yasuyuki Kikuchi,Erika Hayashi,Natsuki Ushigome,Ayumi Hasegawa,Keiji Mochida,Tomomi Suzuki,Chiaki Yamazaki,Toru Shimazu,Hiromi Sano,Masumi Umehara,Hitomi Matsunari,Atsuo Ogura,Hiroshi Nagashima,Teruhiko Wakayama

    PLoS One   17 ( 10 )   e0270781   2022.10( ISSN:1932-6203 )

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PLOS ONE  

    Whether mammalian embryos develop normally under microgravity remains to be determined. However, embryos are too small to be handled by inexperienced astronauts who orbit Earth on the International Space Station (ISS). Here we describe the development of a new device that allows astronauts to thaw and culture frozen mouse 2-cell embryos on the ISS without directly contacting the embryos. First, we developed several new devices using a hollow fiber tube that allows thawing embryo without practice and observations of embryonic development. The recovery rate of embryos was over 90%, and its developmental rate to the blastocyst were over 80%. However, the general vitrification method requires liquid nitrogen, which is not available on the ISS. Therefore, we developed another new device, Embryo Thawing and Culturing unit (ETC) employing a high osmolarity vitrification method, which preserves frozen embryos at -80°C for several months. Embryos flushed out of the ETC during thawing and washing were protected using a mesh sheet. Although the recovery rate of embryos after thawing were not high (24%-78%) and embryonic development in ETC could not be observed, thawed embryos formed blastocysts after 4 days of culture (29%-100%) without direct contact. Thus, this ETC could be used for untrained astronauts to thaw and culture frozen embryos on the ISS. In addition, this ETC will be an important advance in fields such as clinical infertility and animal biotechnology when recovery rate of embryos were improved nearly 100%.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0270781


  • Parental competition for the regulators of chromatin dynamics in mouse zygotes Reviewed Major achievement

    Masatoshi Ooga , Rei Inoue , Kousuke Kazama , Sayaka Wakayama , Satoshi Kamimura , Teruhiko Wakayama

    Communications Biology   5 ( 1 )   699 - 699   2022.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The underlying mechanism for parental asymmetric chromatin dynamics is still unclear. To reveal this, we investigate chromatin dynamics in parthenogenetic, androgenic, and several types of male germ cells-fertilized zygotes. Here we illustrate that parental conflicting role mediates the regulation of chromatin dynamics. Sperm reduces chromatin dynamics in both parental pronuclei (PNs). During spermiogenesis, male germ cells acquire this reducing ability and its resistance. On the other hand, oocytes can increase chromatin dynamics. Notably, the oocytes-derived chromatin dynamics enhancing ability is dominant for the sperm-derived opposing one. This maternal enhancing ability is competed between parental pronuclei. Delayed fertilization timing is critical for this competition and compromises parental asymmetric chromatin dynamics and zygotic transcription. Together, parental competition for the maternal factor enhancing chromatin dynamics is a determinant to establish parental asymmetry, and paternal repressive effects have supporting roles to enhance asymmetry.

    DOI: 10.1038/s42003-022-03623-2


  • Healthy cloned offspring derived from freeze-dried somatic cells Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama , Daiyu Ito , Erika Hayashi , Takashi Ishiuchi , Teruhiko Wakayama

    Nature Communications   13 ( 1 )   3666 - 3666   2022.7

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Maintaining biodiversity is an essential task, but storing germ cells as genetic resources using liquid nitrogen is difficult, expensive, and easily disrupted during disasters. Our aim is to generate cloned mice from freeze-dried somatic cell nuclei, preserved at -30 °C for up to 9 months after freeze drying treatment. All somatic cells died after freeze drying, and nucleic DNA damage significantly increased. However, after nuclear transfer, we produced cloned blastocysts from freeze-dried somatic cells, and established nuclear transfer embryonic stem cell lines. Using these cells as nuclear donors for re-cloning, we obtained healthy cloned female and male mice with a success rate of 0.2-5.4%. Here, we show that freeze-dried somatic cells can produce healthy, fertile clones, suggesting that this technique may be important for the establishment of alternative, cheaper, and safer liquid nitrogen-free bio-banking solutions.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-31216-4


  • Early embryonic mutations reveal dynamics of somatic and germ cell lineages in mice Reviewed Major achievement

    Arikuni Uchimura , Hirotaka Matsumoto , Yasunari Satoh , Yohei Minakuchi , Sayaka Wakayama , Teruhiko Wakayama , Mayumi Higuchi , Masakazu Hashimoto , Ryutaro Fukumura , Atsushi Toyoda , Yoichi Gondo , Takeshi Yagi

    GENOME RESEARCH   32 ( 5 )   945 - 955   2022.5( ISSN:1088-9051 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    De novo mutations accumulate with zygotic cell divisions. However, the occurrence of these mutations and the way they are inherited by somatic cells and germ cells remain unclear. Here, we present a novel method to reconstruct cell lineages. We identified mosaic mutations in mice using deep whole-genome sequencing and reconstructed embryonic cell lineages based on the variant allele frequencies of the mutations. The reconstructed trees were confirmed using nuclear transfer experiments and the genotyping of approximately 50 offspring of each tree. The most detailed tree had 32 terminal nodes and showed cell divisions from the fertilized egg to germ cell- and somatic cell-specific lineages, indicating at least five independent cell lineages that would be selected as founders of the primordial germ cells. The contributions of each lineage to germ cells and offspring varied widely. At the emergence of the germ cell-specific lineages, 10-15 embryonic mutations had accumulated, suggesting that the pregastrulation mutation rate is 1.0 mutation per mitosis. Subsequent mutation rates were 0.7 for germ cells and 13.2 for tail fibroblasts. Our results show a new framework to assess embryonic lineages; further, we suggest an evolutionary strategy for preserving heterogeneity owing to postzygotic mutations in offspring.

    DOI: 10.1101/gr.276363.121


  • Mouse in vivo-derived late 2-cell embryos have higher developmental competence after high osmolality vitrification and −80°C preservation than IVF or ICSI embryos Reviewed Major achievement

    Erika HAYASHI, Sayaka WAKAYAMA, Daiyu ITO, Ayumi HASEGAWA, Keiji MOCHIDA, Masatoshi OOGA, Atsuo OGURA, Teruhiko WAKAYAMA

    JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT   68 ( 2 )   118 - 124   2022.4( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Mammalian embryos are most commonly cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen; however, liquid nitrogen is not available in special environments, such as the International Space Station (ISS), and vitrified embryos must be stored at -80°C. Recently, the high osmolarity vitrification (HOV) method was developed to cryopreserve mouse 2-cell stage embryos at -80°C; however, the appropriate embryo is currently unknown. In this study, we compared the vitrification resistance of in vivo-derived, in vitro fertilization (IVF)-derived, and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)-derived mouse 2-cell embryos against cryopreservation at -80°C. The ICSI embryos had lower survival rates after warming and significantly lower developmental rates than the in vivo and IVF embryos. Further, IVF embryos had a lower survival rate after warming, but a similar rate to the in vivo embryos to full-term development. This result was confirmed by simultaneous vitrification of in vivo and IVF embryos in the same cryotube using identifiable green fluorescent protein-expressing embryos. We also evaluated the collection timing of the in vivo embryos from the oviduct and found that late 2-cell embryos had higher survival and developmental rates to full-term than early 2-cell embryos. Some early 2-cell embryos remained in the S-phase, whereas most late 2-cell embryos were in the G2-phase, which may have affected the tolerance to embryo vitrification. In conclusion, when embryos must be cryopreserved under restricted conditions, such as the ISS, in vivo fertilized embryos collected at the late 2-cell stage without long culture should be employed.

    DOI: 10.1262/jrd.2021-115


  • Mouse in vivo-derived late 2-cell embryos have higher developmental competence after high osmolality vitrification and -80°C preservation than IVF or ICSI embryos. Major achievement

    Hayashi E, Wakayama S, Ito D, Hasegawa A, Mochida K, Ooga M, Ogura A, Wakayama T.


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1262/jrd.

  • DNAポリメラーゼβ欠損は大脳皮質神経細胞の発生において体細胞突然変異を誘発させる Major achievement

    菅生紀之, 松本理沙, 中山宙, 松本敏幸, 藤本翔太, 佐藤康成, 若山清香, 若山照彦, 内村有邦, 八木健

    日本神経化学会大会抄録集(Web)   65th   2022

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  • Optimised CO2-containing medium for in vitro culture and transportation of mouse preimplantation embryos without CO2 incubator. Reviewed Major achievement

    Kikuchi Y, Wakayama S, Ito D, Ooga M, Wakayama T

    PLoS One   2021.12( ISSN:1932-6203 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.

  • Optimised CO2-containing medium for in vitro culture and transportation of mouse preimplantation embryos without CO2 incubator Major achievement

    Yasuyuki Kikuchi, Sayaka Wakayama, Daiyu Ito, Masatoshi Ooga, Teruhiko Wakayama

    PLOS ONE   16 ( 12 )   e0260645 - e0260645   2021.12(  eISSN:1932-6203 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Public Library of Science (PLoS)  

    Conventional in vitro culture and manipulation of mouse embryos require a CO2 incubator, which not only increases the cost of performing experiments but also hampers the transport of embryos to the other laboratories. In this study, we established and tested a new CO2 incubator-free embryo culture system and transported embryos using this system. Using an Anaero pouch, which is a CO2 gas-generating agent, to increase the CO2 partial pressure of CZB medium to 4%–5%, 2-cell embryos were cultured to the blastocyst stage in a sealed tube without a CO2 incubator at 37°C. Further, the developmental rate to blastocyst and full-term development after embryo transfer were comparable with those of usual culture method using a CO2 incubator (blastocyst rate: 97% versus 95%, respectively; offspring rate: 30% versus 35%, respectively). Furthermore, using a thermal bottle, embryos were reliably cultured using this system for up to 2 days at room temperature, and live offspring were obtained from embryos transported in this simple and very low-cost manner without reducing the offspring rate (thermal bottle: 26.2% versus CO2 incubator: 34.3%). This study demonstrates that CO2 incubators are not essential for embryo culture and transportation and that this system provides a useful, low-cost alternative for mouse embryo culture and manipulation.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0260645


  • Parental Conflicting Role Mediates Regulation of The Chromatin Structure in The Mouse Zygote Major achievement

    Masatoshi Ooga, Rei Inoue, Sayaka Wakayama, Satoshi Kamimura, Teruhiko Wakayama


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    Language:English   Publisher:Research Square Platform LLC  

    Parental pronuclei (PN) are asymmetrical in several points but the underlying mechanism for this is still unclear. Recently, a theory has been become broadly accepted that sperm are more than mere vehicles to carry the paternal haploid genome into oocytes. Here, in order to reveal the formation mechanisms for parental asymmetrically relaxed chromatin structure in zygotes, we investigated histone mobility in parthenogenetic-, androgenic-, ROSI-, ELSI-, tICSI-, and ICSI-zygotes with several numbers of PNs with the use of zygotic fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, a method previous established by our group. The results showed that sperm played a role to cause chromatin compaction in both parental PNs. Interestingly, during spermiogenesis, male germ cells acquired this ability and its resistance. On the other hand, oocytes harbored chromatin relaxation ability. Furthermore, the chromatin relaxation factor was competed for between PNs. Thus, these results indicated that the parental asymmetrically relaxed chromatin structure was established as a result of a competition between the PNs for the chromatin relaxation factor that opposed the chromatin compaction effect by sperm. Together, it was suggested that parental germ cells cooperated for their just arisen newborn zygotes by playing a distinct role in the regulation of chromatin structure.

    DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-806059/v1

    Other Link: https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-806059/v1.html

  • Mailing viable mouse freeze-dried spermatozoa on postcards. Reviewed Major achievement

    Ito D, Wakayama S, Emura R, Ooga M, Wakayama T.

    iScience   2021.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.

  • Mailing viable mouse freeze-dried spermatozoa on postcards Major achievement

    Daiyu Ito, Sayaka Wakayama, Rina Emura, Masatoshi Ooga, Teruhiko Wakayama

    iScience   24 ( 8 )   102815 - 102815   2021.8( ISSN:2589-0042 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    Freeze-drying techniques allow the preservation of mammalian spermatozoa without using liquid nitrogen. However, the current method requires the use of glass ampoules, which are breakable, expensive, and bulky to store or transport. In this study, we evaluated whether mouse freeze-dried (FD) spermatozoa can be preserved and transported on thin materials. In this study, we demonstrated that FD sperm can be preserved in thin plastic sheets. Its DNA integrity was comparable to that of glass ampoule spermatozoa, and healthy offspring were obtained after preservation at -30°C for more than 3 months. We attached preserved FD sperm to postcards, and transported these to other laboratory inexpensively at room temperatures without any protection. This method will facilitate the preservation of thousands of mouse strains in a single card holder, promote collaboration between laboratories, conservation of genetic resources, and assisted reproductive technology.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2021.102815


  • Evaluating the long-term effect of space radiation on the reproductive normality of mammalian sperm preserved on the International Space Station. Reviewed Major achievement

    Wakayama S, Ito D, Kamada Y, Shimazu T, Suzuki T, Nagamatsu A, Araki R, Ishikawa T, Kamimura S, Hirose N, Kazama K, Yang L, Inoue R, Kikuchi Y, Hayashi E, Emura R, Watanabe R, Nagatomo H, Suzuki H, Yamamori T, Tada MN, Osada I, Umehara M, Sano H, Kasahara H, Higashibata A, Yano S, Abe M, Kishigami S, Kohda T, Ooga M, Wakayama T.

    Science Advances   2021.6( ISSN:2375-2548 )

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg5554.

  • Evaluating the long-term effect of space radiation on the reproductive normality of mammalian sperm preserved on the International Space Station Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Daiyu Ito, Yuko Kamada, Toru Shimazu, Tomomi Suzuki, Aiko Nagamatsu, Ryoko Araki, Takahiro Ishikawa, Satoshi Kamimura, Naoki Hirose, Kousuke Kazama, Li Yang, Rei Inoue, Yasuyuki Kikuchi, Erika Hayashi, Rina Emura, Ren Watanabe, Hiroaki Nagatomo, Hiromi Suzuki, Tohru Yamamori, Motoki N. Tada, Ikuko Osada, Masumi Umehara, Hiromi Sano, Haruo Kasahara, Akira Higashibata, Sachiko Yano, Masumi Abe, Satoshi Kishigami, Takashi Kohda, Masatoshi Ooga, Teruhiko Wakayama

    Science Advances   7 ( 24 )   eabg5554 - eabg5554   2021.6(  eISSN:2375-2548 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)  

    Space radiation may cause DNA damage to cells and concern for the inheritance of mutations in offspring after deep space exploration. However, there is no way to study the long-term effects of space radiation using biological materials. Here, we developed a method to evaluate the biological effect of space radiation and examined the reproductive potential of mouse freeze-dried spermatozoa stored on the International Space Station (ISS) for the longest period in biological research. The space radiation did not affect sperm DNA or fertility after preservation on ISS, and many genetically normal offspring were obtained without reducing the success rate compared to the ground-preserved control. The results of ground x-ray experiments showed that sperm can be stored for more than 200 years in space. These results suggest that the effect of deep space radiation on mammalian reproduction can be evaluated using spermatozoa, even without being monitored by astronauts in Gateway.

    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg5554


  • Production of offspring from non-frozen vacuum dried spermatozoa Major achievement

    USHIGOME Natsuki, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, ITO Daiyu, OOGA Masatoshi, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   114   P-87 - P-87   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.114.0_p-87

    CiNii Research

  • Spermiogenesis affects the transcriptome during zygotic genome activation Major achievement

    SAKAMOTO Mizuki, ITO Daiyu, INOUE Rei, LI Yang, YASUYUKI Kikuchi, TATARA Mayu, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, SHARIF Jafar, SAKASHITA Akihiko, MAEZAWA So, KOHDA Takashi, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko, OOGA Masatoshi

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   114   P-39 - P-39   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.114.0_p-39

    CiNii Research

  • Sperm-derived chromatin compaction effect is involved in the establishment of parental asymmetrically relaxed chromatin structure in mouse zygotes Major achievement

    OOGA Masatoshi, INOUE Rei, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, KAMIMURA Satoshi, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   114   P-69 - P-69   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.114.0_p-69

    CiNii Research

  • A novel and economic mothod for sperm freeze-drying using 1.5mL microcentrifuge tubes Major achievement

    YANG Li, ITO Daiyu, OOGA Masatoshi, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   114   P-24 - P-24   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.114.0_p-24

    CiNii Research

  • Effect of sperm pre-incubation period on the quality of freeze-dried spermatozoa Major achievement

    EMURA Rina, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, ITO Daiyu, OOGA Masatoshi, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   114   P-86 - P-86   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.114.0_p-86

    CiNii Research

  • Tolerance of mouse 2-cell embryos derived from early In Vivo, late In Vivo, IVF and ICSI against preservation at -80℃ Major achievement

    HAYASHI Erika, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, ITO Daiyu, KIKUCHI Yasuyuki, HASEGAWA Ayumi, MOCHIDA Keiji, OOGA Masatoshi, OGURA Atsuo, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   114   P-95 - P-95   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.114.0_p-95

    CiNii Research

  • Evaluation of the developmental potential of early mouse preimplantation embryos using chromatin looseness measured by live imaging Major achievement

    INOUE Rei, KIKUCHI Yasuyuki, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko, OOGA Masatoshi

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   114   P-47 - P-47   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.114.0_p-47

    CiNii Research

  • A new simple method of live cell imaging for preimplantation embryo using glass capillary Major achievement

    KIKUCHI Yasuyuki, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, OOGA Masatoshi, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   114   P-53 - P-53   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.114.0_p-53

    CiNii Research

  • Mouse offspring obtained from freeze dried spermatozoa after transportation via postcard Major achievement

    ITO Daiyu, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, EMURA Rina, OOGA Masatoshi, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   114   OR-43 - OR-43   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.114.0_or-43

    CiNii Research

  • Improvement of a twice collection method of mouse oocytes by surgical operation Reviewed Major achievement

    Rei Inoue , Kana Harada , Sayaka Wakayama , Masatoshi Ooga , Teruhiko Wakayama

    JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT   66 ( 5 )   427 - 433   2020.10( ISSN:0916-8818  eISSN:1348-4400 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:J Reprod Dev  

    Mouse oocytes are generally collected after euthanasia. However, if oocytes were collected without euthanasia, then mice could be used to collect oocytes again after recovery. This condition is especially useful for mice that are genotypically rare. In this study, we examined the reusability of mice after collecting oocytes via a surgical operation. When oocytes were collected using medetomidine/midazolam/butorphanol combination anesthesia and examined for the quality of oocytes after in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), they could develop to full term at the same rate as controls. When oocytes were collected from those mice a second time, the average number of oocytes was reduced by nearly 1/3. However, the blastocyst and offspring rates of those oocytes after IVF or ICSI were the same as those of the control regardless of the recovery day period. Although germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes can be collected from all reused mice, the final number of offspring did not increase. Interestingly, when oocytes were collected from the front position of the ampulla, 76% of the oviducts possessed oocytes after reuse, and the average number of oocytes significantly increased to a level comparable to that of the control. Finally, we examined whether reused mice can be used as recipient females, and then healthy offspring were obtained similarly as the control recipients. In conclusion, we provide a new method to collect a sufficient number of oocytes from reused mice without concern.

    DOI: 10.1262/jrd.2020-059


  • Removal of remodeling/reprogramming factors from oocytes and the impact on the full-term development of cloned embryos Major achievement

    Shunsuke Konno , Sayaka Wakayama , Daiyu Ito , Kousuke Kazama , Naoki Hirose , Masatoshi Ooga , Teruhiko Wakayama

    DEVELOPMENT   147 ( 5 )   2020.8( ISSN:0950-1991 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1242/dev.190777.

  • Removal of remodeling/reprogramming factors from oocytes and the impact on the full-term development of cloned embryos Reviewed Major achievement

    Shunsuke Konno, Sayaka Wakayama, Daiyu Ito, Kousuke Kazama, Naoki Hirose, Masatoshi Ooga, Teruhiko Wakayama

    Development   147 ( 15 )   dev190777 - dev190777   2020.8( ISSN:0950-1991  eISSN:1477-9129 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Company of Biologists  

    The reason for the poor development of cloned embryos is not yet clear. Several reports have suggested that some nuclear remodeling/reprogramming factors (RRFs) are removed from oocytes at the time of enucleation, which might cause the low success rate of animal cloning. However, there is currently no method to manipulate the amount of RRFs in oocytes. Here, we describe techniques we have developed to gradually reduce RRFs in mouse oocytes by injecting somatic cell nuclei into oocytes. These injected nuclei were remodeled and reprogrammed using RRFs, and then RRFs were removed by subsequent deletion of somatic nuclei from oocytes. The size of the metaphase II spindle reduced immediately, but did recover when transferred into fresh oocytes. Though affected, the full-term developmental potential of these RRF-reduced oocytes with MII-spindle shrinkage was not lost after fertilization. When somatic cell nuclear transfer was performed, the successful generation of cloned mice was somewhat improved and abnormalities were reduced when oocytes with slightly reduced RRF levels were used. These results suggest that a change in RRFs in oocytes, as achieved by the method described in this paper or by enucleation, is important but not the main reason for the incomplete reprogramming of somatic cell nuclei.

    DOI: 10.1242/dev.190777


  • Birth of offspring from spermatid or somatic cell by co-injection of PLCζ-cRNA Reviewed Major achievement

    REPRODUCTION   2020.8( ISSN:1470-1626 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1530/REP-20-0054.

  • Birth of offspring from spermatid or somatic cell by co-injection of PLCζ-cRNA. Reviewed Major achievement

    Naoki Hirose, Sayaka Wakayama, Rei Inoue, Junya Ito, Masatoshi Ooga, Teruhiko Wakayama

    Reproduction (Cambridge, England)   160 ( 2 )   319 - 330   2020.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Artificial oocyte activation is important for assisted reproductive technologies, such as fertilization with round spermatids (ROSI) or the production of cloned offspring by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Recently, phospholipase Cζ (PLCζ)-cRNA was used to mimic the natural process of fertilization, but this method required the serial injection of PLCζ-cRNA and was found to cause damage to the manipulated oocytes. Here we tried to generate offspring derived from oocytes that were fertilized using round spermatid or somatic cell nuclear transfer with the co-injection of PLCζ-cRNA. After co-injecting round spermatids and 20 ng/µL of PLCζ-cRNA into the oocytes, most of them became activated, but the activation process was delayed by more than 1 h. With the co-injection method, the rate of blastocyst formation in ROSI embryos was higher (64%) compared with that of the serial injection method (55%). On another note, when SCNT was performed using the co-injection method, the cloned offspring were obtained with a higher success rate compared with the serial-injection method. However, in either ROSI or SCNT embryos, the birth rate of offspring via the co-injection method was similar to the Sr activation method. The epigenetic status of ROSI and SCNT zygotes that was examined showed no significant difference among all activation methods. The results indicated that although the PLCζ-cRNA co-injection method did not improve the production rate of offspring, this method simplified oocyte activation with less damage, and with accurate activation time in individual oocytes, it can be useful for the basic study of oocyte activation and development.

    DOI: 10.1530/REP-20-0054


  • Genetic aberrations in iPSCs are introduced by a transient G1/S cell cycle checkpoint deficiency Reviewed Major achievement

    Ryoko Araki, Yuko Hoki, Tomo Suga, Chizuka Obara, Misato Sunayama, Kaori Imadome, Mayumi Fujita, Satoshi Kamimura, Miki Nakamura, Sayaka Wakayama, Andras Nagy, Teruhiko Wakayama, Masumi Abe

    Nature Communications   11 ( 1 )   197 - 197   2020.1( ISSN:2041-1723 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    A number of point mutations have been identified in reprogrammed pluripotent stem cells such as iPSCs and ntESCs. The molecular basis for these mutations has remained elusive however, which is a considerable impediment to their potential medical application. Here we report a specific stage at which iPSC generation is not reduced in response to ionizing radiation, i.e. radio-resistance. Quite intriguingly, a G1/S cell cycle checkpoint deficiency occurs in a transient fashion at the initial stage of the genome reprogramming process. These cancer-like phenomena, i.e. a cell cycle checkpoint deficiency resulting in the accumulation of point mutations, suggest a common developmental pathway between iPSC generation and tumorigenesis. This notion is supported by the identification of specific cancer mutational signatures in these cells. We describe efficient generation of human integration-free iPSCs using erythroblast cells, which have only a small number of point mutations and INDELs, none of which are in coding regions.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-13830-x


  • Development of the method to preserve mouse freeze-dried spermatozoa with paper Major achievement

    ITO Daiyu, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, OOGA Masatoshi, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   113   P-85 - P-85   2020

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.113.0_p-85

    CiNii Research

  • Hollow fiber vitrification allows cryopreservation of embryos with compromised cryotolerance. Reviewed Major achievement

    Uchikura A, Matsunari H, Maehara M, Yonamine S, Wakayama S, Wakayama T, Nagashima H

    Reproductive Medicine and Biology   in press ( 2 )   142 - 150   2020

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Purpose: This study aims to demonstrate vitrification methods that provide reliable cryopreservation for embryos with compromised cryotolerance. Methods: Two-cell stage mouse embryos and in vitro produced porcine embryos were vitrified using the hollow fiber vitrification (HFV) and Cryotop (CT) methods. The performance of these two methods was compared by the viability of the vitrified-rewarmed embryos. Results: Regardless of the method used, 100% of the mouse 2-cell embryos developed successfully after vitrification-rewarming into the blastocyst stage, whereas vitrification tests using porcine morulae with the HFV method produced significantly better results. The developmental rates of vitrified porcine morula into the blastocyst stage, as well as blastocyst cell number, were 90.3% and 112.3 ± 6.9 in the HFV group compared with 63.4% and 89.5 ± 8.1 in the CT group (P < .05). Vitrification tests using 4- to 8-cell porcine embryos resulted in development into the blastocyst stage (45.5%) in the HFV group alone, demonstrating its better efficacy. The HFV method did not impair embryo viability, even after spontaneous rewarming at room temperature for vitrified embryos, which is generally considered a contraindication. Conclusion: Vitrification test using embryos with compromised cryotolerance allows for more precise determining of effective cryopreservation methods and devices.

    DOI: 10.1002/rmb2.12312


  • PLCζ-cRNAを用いたROSIおよびSCNT時のより自然で簡便な活性化方法の開発 Major achievement

    廣瀬直樹, 若山清香, 井上怜, 伊藤潤哉, 大我政敏, 若山照彦, 若山照彦

    Journal of Reproduction and Development   66 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   2020( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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  • Simple embryo culture system without CO2 incubator using gas optimized medium. Major achievement

    KIKUCHI Yasuyuki, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, OOGA Masatoshi, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   113   P-54 - P-54   2020

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.113.0_p-54

    CiNii Research

  • Production of mouse offspring from inactivated spermatozoa using horse PLCζ mRNA Reviewed Major achievement

    Yunosuke YAMAMOTO, Naoki HIROSE, Satoshi KAMIMURA, Sayaka WAKAYAMA, Junya ITO, Masatoshi OOGA, Teruhiko WAKAYAMA

    JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT   66 ( 1 )   67 - 73   2019.12( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Improving artificial oocyte activation is essential for assisted reproduction or animal biotechnology that can obtain healthy offspring with a high success rate. Here, we examined whether intracytoplasmic injection of equine sperm-specific phospholipase C zeta (ePLCζ) mRNA, the PLCζ with the strongest oocyte activation potential in mammals, could improve the mouse oocyte activation rate and subsequent embryonic development using inactivated spermatozoa. mRNA of mouse PLCζ (mPLCζ) or ePLCζ were injected into mouse oocytes to determine the optimal mRNA concentration to maximize the oocyte activation rate and developmental rate of parthenogenetic embryos in vitro. Full-term development was examined using NaOH-treated inactive spermatozoa using the optimal activation method. We found that the most optimal ePLCζ mRNA concentration was 0.1 ng/µl for mouse oocyte activation, which was ten times stronger than mPLCζ mRNA. The concentration did not affect parthenogenetic embryo development in vitro. Relatively normal blastocysts were obtained with the same developmental rate (52-53% or 48-51%, respectively) when inactive spermatozoa were injected into activated oocytes using ePLCζ or mPLCζ mRNA injection. However, the birth rate after embryo transfer was slightly but significantly decreased in oocytes activated by ePLCζ mRNA (24%) compared to mPLCζ mRNA (37%) or strontium treatment (40%) activation. These results suggest that the higher activation rate does not always correlate the higher birth rate, and some mechanisms might exist in the oocyte activation process that could affect the later developmental stages like full-term development.

    DOI: 10.1262/jrd.2019-043


  • Production of cloned mice by same time injection of PLCζ-mRNA Major achievement

    HIROSE Naoki, OOGA Mastoshi, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, ITO Junya, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   65 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   j141 - P-96   2019.9( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.112.0_p-96

    CiNii Research


  • Production of offspring from freeze-dried mouse spermatozoa preserved on the sheets Major achievement

    ITO Daiyu, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, OOGA Masatoshi, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   65 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   j157 - P-128   2019.9( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.112.0_p-128

    CiNii Research


  • Reusability of mice after collection of oocytes by operation Major achievement

    INOUE Rei, HARADA Kana, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, OOGA Masatoshi, TERUHIKO Wakayama

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   65 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   j151 - P-115   2019.9( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.112.0_p-115

    CiNii Research


  • Development of new embryo culture method in a closed plastic tube assuming at experiment in a Space Station Major achievement

    KIKUCHI Yasuyuki, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, OOGA Masatoshi, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   65 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   j126 - P-66   2019.9( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.112.0_p-66

    CiNii Research


  • Tolerance of the freeze dried mouse sperm nucleus to temparature ranging from -196C to 150C Major achievement

    WAKAYAMA Sayaka, ITO Daiyu, KAMADA Yuko, KAMIMURA Satoshi, OHOGA Masatoshi, KISHIGAMI Satoshi, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   65 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   j153 - P-120   2019.9( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.112.0_p-120

    CiNii Research


  • Effect of trehalose on the preservation of freeze-dried mice spermatozoa at room temperature Reviewed Major achievement

    Daiyu ITO, Sayaka WAKAYAMA, Yuko KAMADA, Ikue SHIBASAKI, Satoshi KAMIMURA, Masatoshi OOGA, Teruhiko WAKAYAMA

    JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT   65 ( 4 )   353 - 359   2019.5( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Freeze-drying of spermatozoa is a convenient and safe method to preserve mammalian genetic material without the use of liquid nitrogen or a deep freezer. However, freeze-dried spermatozoa (FD sperm) are not frequently used because of the low success rate of offspring after intracytoplasmic spermatozoa injection (ICSI). In this study, we determined the optimal concentration and a point of action of trehalose as a protectant for the preservation of FD sperm from different mouse strains at room temperature (RT). Although trehalose demonstrated no potential to protect the FD sperm of ICR mice against the freeze-drying procedure itself, the blastocyst rate was significantly improved when FD sperm was preserved for more than 1 month at RT (56-63% vs. 29% without trehalose). The optimal concentration of trehalose was 0.5 M. Importantly, remarkable results were obtained when spermatozoa of inbred mouse strains (C57BL/6N, C3H/He, and 129/Sv) were used, and many offspring were obtained when FD sperm that was preserved for 3 months at RT (26-28% vs. 6-11% of without trehalose) was used. However, when DNA damage in FD sperm was examined by gamma-H2Ax assays, it was found that trehalose failed to protect the FD sperm from DNA damage. These results suggest that trehalose has the potential to protect other sperm factors rather than sperm DNA during preservation at RT for longer periods and trehalose is more effective for inbred mouse strains.

    DOI: 10.1262/jrd.2019-058


  • Tolerance of the freeze-dried mouse sperm nucleus to temperatures ranging from -196 °C to 150 °C Invited Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Daiyu Ito, Yuko Kamada, Shigenobu Yonemura, Masatoshi Ooga, Satoshi Kishigami, Teruhiko Wakayama

    Scientific Reports   9 ( 1 )   5719   2019.4( ISSN:2045-2322  eISSN:2045-2322 )

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-42062-8


    Other Link: http://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-42062-8

  • Improvement of Mouse Cloning from Any Type of Cell by Nuclear Injection. Reviewed Major achievement

    Wakayama S, Kishigami S, Wakayama T

    Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)   1874   211 - 228   2019( ISSN:1064-3745 )

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    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-8831-0_12


  • Generation of two-cell cloned embryos from mouse faecal cell. Reviewed Major achievement

    Kamimura S, Wakayama S, Kuwayama H, Tanabe Y, Kishigami S, Wakayama T

    Scientific reports   8 ( 1 )   14922   2018.10

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    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-33304-2


  • Reassessment of deveropmental fate of blastomeres between GFP and RFP embryo chimera by live cell imaging Major achievement

    ITO Daiyu, SHIBASAKI Ikue, KIKUCHI Yasuyuki, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, OOGA Masatoshi, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   64 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   j124 - P-67   2018.9( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.111.0_p-67

    CiNii Research


  • 宇宙ステーションでマウス初期胚を培養するSpace Embryo計画 Major achievement

    若山清香, 山崎千秋, 鈴木智美, 嶋津徹, 東端晃, 村越貴夫, 菊池康之, 石野史敏, 持田慶司, 松成ひとみ, 長嶋比呂志, 幸田尚, 若山照彦

    Journal of Reproduction and Development   64 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   j132   2018.9( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  


  • 受精卵移植における最適なレシピエントマウス系統の探索 Major achievement

    副島摩利子, 若山清香, 大我雅敏, 若山照彦, 若山照彦

    Journal of Reproduction and Development   64 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   j116   2018.9( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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  • Development of natural and simple oocyte activation method using PLCζ Major achievement

    HIROSE Naoki, OOGA Masatoshi, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, ITO Junya, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement   64 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   j128 - P-75   2018.9( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Reproduction and Development  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.111.0_p-75

    CiNii Research


  • Assessing the tolerance to room temperature and viability of freeze-dried mice spermatozoa over long-term storage at room temperature under vacuum Reviewed Major achievement

    Yuko Kamada, Sayaka Wakayama, Ikue Shibasaki, Daiyu Ito, Satoshi Kamimura, Masatoshi Ooga, Teruhiko Wakayama

    Scientific Reports   8 ( 1 )   10602   2018.7( ISSN:2045-2322 )

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-28896-8


  • 机の引き出しの中で1年以上保存した凍結乾燥精子から仔は生まれるか? Major achievement

    鎌田裕子, 鎌田裕子, 鎌田裕子, 若山清香, 柴崎郁江, 伊藤大裕, 上村悟氏, 大我政敏, 若山照彦, 若山照彦

    日本卵子学会誌   3 ( 1 )   S44 - S44   2018.4( ISSN:2432-0404 )

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本卵子学会  


  • 凍結乾燥精子の室温保存における最適トレハロース濃度の検討 Major achievement

    伊藤 大裕, 若山 清香, 鎌田 裕子, 柴崎 郁江, 上村 悟氏, 大我 政敏, 若山 照彦

    日本卵子学会誌   3 ( 1 )   S45 - S45   2018.4( ISSN:2432-0404 )

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本卵子学会  

  • Production of cloned mice using oocytes derived from ICR-outbred strain Reviewed Major achievement

    Yoshiaki Tanabe, Hiroki Kuwayama, Sayaka Wakayama, Hiroaki Nagatomo, Masatoshi Ooga, Satoshi Kamimura, Satoshi Kishigami, Teruhiko Wakayama

    REPRODUCTION   154 ( 6 )   859 - 866   2017.12( ISSN:1470-1626 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BIOSCIENTIFICA LTD  

    Recently, it has become possible to generate cloned mice using a somatic cell nucleus derived from not only F1 strains but also inbred strains. However, to date, all cloned mice have been generated using F1 mouse oocytes as the recipient cytoplasm. Here, we attempted to generate cloned mice from oocytes derived from the ICR-outbred mouse strain. Cumulus cell nuclei derived from BDF1 and ICR mouse strains were injected into enucleated oocytes of both strains to create four groups. Subsequently, the quality and developmental potential of the cloned embryos were examined. ICR oocytes were more susceptible to damage associated with nuclear injection than BDF1 oocytes, but their activation rate and several epigenetic markers of reconstructed cloned oocytes/ embryos were similar to those of BDF1 oocytes. When cloned embryos were cultured for up to 4 days, those derived from ICR oocytes demonstrated a significantly decreased rate of development to the blastocyst stage, irrespective of the nuclear donor mouse strain. However, when cloned embryos derived from ICR oocytes were transferred to female recipients at the two-cell stage, healthy cloned offspring were obtained at a success rate similar to that using BDF1 oocytes. The ICR mouse strain is very popular for biological research and less expensive to establish than most other strains. Thus, the results of this study should promote the study of nuclear reprogramming not only by reducing the cost of experiments but also by allowing us to study the effect of oocyte cytoplasm by comparing it between strains.

    DOI: 10.1530/REP-17-0372

    Web of Science


  • Derivation of ground-state female ES cells maintaining gamete-derived DNA methylation Reviewed Major achievement

    Yagi M, Kishigami S, Tanaka A, Semi K, Mizutani E, Wakayama S, Wakayama T, Yamamoto T, Yamada Y.

    NATURE   548   224 - 227   2017.8( ISSN:0028-0836 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1038/nature23286.

  • About the Space Pup project Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Yuko Kamada, Kaori Yamanaka, Takashi Kohda, Hiromi Suzuki, Toru Shimazu, Motoki N. Tada, Ikuko Osada, Aiko Nagamatsu, Satoshi Kamimura, Hiroaki Nagatomo, Eiji Mizutani, Fumitoshi Ishino, Sachiko Yano, Teruhiko Wakayama


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    Language:English   Publisher:NATL ACAD SCIENCES  

    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1711468114

    Web of Science


  • Derivation of ground-state female ES cells maintaining gamete-derived DNA methylation Reviewed Major achievement

    Masaki Yagi, Satoshi Kishigami, Akito Tanaka, Katsunori Semi, Eiji Mizutani, Sayaka Wakayama, Teruhiko Wakayama, Takuya Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Yamada

    NATURE   548 ( 7666 )   224 - +   2017.8( ISSN:0028-0836  eISSN:1476-4687 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Inhibitors of Mek1/2 and Gsk3 beta, known as 2i, enhance the derivation of embryonic stem (ES) cells and promote ground-state pluripotency in rodents(1,2). Here we show that the derivation of female mouse ES cells in the presence of 2i and leukaemia inhibitory factor (2i/L ES cells) results in a widespread loss of DNA methylation, including a massive erasure of genomic imprints. Despite this global loss of DNA methylation, early-passage 2i/L ES cells efficiently differentiate into somatic cells, and this process requires genome-wide de novo DNA methylation. However, the majority of imprinting control regions (ICRs) remain unmethylated in 2i/L-ES-cell-derived differentiated cells. Consistently, 2i/L ES cells exhibit impaired autonomous embryonic and placental development by tetraploid embryo complementation or nuclear transplantation. We identified the derivation conditions of female ES cells that display 2i/L-ES-cell-like transcriptional signatures while preserving gamete-derived DNA methylation and autonomous developmental potential. Upon prolonged culture, however, female ES cells exhibited ICR demethylation regardless of culture conditions. Our results provide insights into the derivation of female ES cells reminiscent of the inner cell mass of preimplantation embryos.

    DOI: 10.1038/nature23286

    Web of Science


  • Healthy offspring from freeze-dried mouse spermatozoa held on the International Space Station for 9 months Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Yuko Kamada, Kaori Yamanaka, Takashi Kohda, Hiromi Suzuki, Toru Shimazu, Motoki N. Tada, Ikuko Osada, Aiko Nagamatsu, Satoshi Kamimura, Hiroaki Nagatomo, Eiji Mizutani, Fumitoshi Ishino, Sachiko Yano, Teruhiko Wakayama


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATL ACAD SCIENCES  

    If humans ever start to live permanently in space, assisted reproductive technology using preserved spermatozoa will be important for producing offspring; however, radiation on the International Space Station (ISS) is more than 100 times stronger than that on Earth, and irradiation causes DNA damage in cells and gametes. Here we examined the effect of space radiation on freeze-dried mouse spermatozoa held on the ISS for 9 mo at -95 degrees C, with launch and recovery at room temperature. DNA damage to the spermatozoa and male pronuclei was slightly increased, but the fertilization and birth rates were similar to those of controls. Next-generation sequencing showed only minor genomic differences between offspring derived from space-preserved spermatozoa and controls, and all offspring grew to adulthood and had normal fertility. Thus, we demonstrate that although space radiation can damage sperm DNA, it does not affect the production of viable offspring after at least 9 mo of storage on the ISS.

    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1701425114

    Web of Science


  • The Number of Point Mutations in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Nuclear Transfer Embryonic Stem Cells Depends on the Method and Somatic Cell Type Used for Their Generation Reviewed Major achievement

    Ryoko Araki, Eiji Mizutani, Yuko Hoki, Misato Sunayama, Sayaka Wakayama, Hiroaki Nagatomo, Yasuji Kasama, Miki Nakamura, Teruhiko Wakayama, Masumi Abe

    STEM CELLS   35 ( 5 )   1189 - 1196   2017.5( ISSN:1066-5099  eISSN:1549-4918 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY  

    Induced pluripotent stem cells hold great promise for regenerative medicine but point mutations have been identified in these cells and have raised serious concerns about their safe use. We generated nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells (ntESCs) from both mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and tail-tip fibroblasts (TTFs) and by whole genome sequencing found fewer mutations compared with iPSCs generated by retroviral gene transduction. Furthermore, TTF-derived ntESCs showed only a very small number of point mutations, approximately 80% less than the number observed in iPSCs generated using retrovirus. Base substitution profile analysis confirmed this greatly reduced number of point mutations. The point mutations in iPSCs are therefore not a Yamanaka factor-specific phenomenon but are intrinsic to genome reprogramming. Moreover, the dramatic reduction in point mutations in ntESCs suggests that most are not essential for genome reprogramming. Our results suggest that it is feasible to reduce the point mutation frequency in iPSCs by optimizing various genome reprogramming conditions. We conducted whole genome sequencing of ntES cells derived from MEFs or TTFs. We thereby succeeded in establishing TTF-derived ntES cell lines with far fewer point mutations. Base substitution profile analysis of these clones also indicated a reduced point mutation frequency, moving from a transversion-predominance to a transition-predominance. Stem Cells2017;35:1189-1196

    DOI: 10.1002/stem.2601

    Web of Science


  • Effect of Long-Term Exposure of Donor Nuclei to the Oocyte Cytoplasm on Production of Cloned Mice Using Serial Nuclear Transfer Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Yoshiaki Tanabe, Hiroaki Nagatomo, Eiji Mizutani, Satoshi Kishigami, Teruhiko Wakayama

    CELLULAR REPROGRAMMING   18 ( 6 )   382 - 389   2016.12( ISSN:2152-4971  eISSN:2152-4998 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC  

    Although animal cloning is becoming increasingly practicable, cloned embryos possess many abnormalities and so there has been a low success rate for producing live animals. This is most likely due to incomplete reprogramming of somatic cell nuclei before they start to develop as the donor nuclei are usually only exposed to the oocyte cytoplasm for 1-2 hours before reconstructed oocytes are activated to avoid oocyte aging. Therefore, in this study, we attempted to extend the exposure period of somatic cell nuclei to the oocyte cytoplasm to determine whether this could enhance reprogramming of donor nuclei. Donor nuclei were transferred into oocytes, following which pseudo-MII spindles (pMIIs) derived from these were extracted and injected into newly collected enucleated oocytes 24 hours after the first nuclear transfer (NT). These serial NT oocytes were then activated and their developmental potential was examined to full term. There was no obvious difference in the pMIIs of reconstructed oocytes at 6 and 24 hours after donor nucleus injection; however, in both of these, the chromosomes were more widely spread inside the spindle than in fresh intact oocytes. Furthermore, a few chromosomes remained in 25% and 47% of these enucleated oocytes at 6 and 24 hours after donor nucleus injection, respectively. When these pMIIs were injected into fresh enucleated oocytes, the developmental rate to blastocyst was significantly lower, but we could still obtain several healthy cloned offspring. Thus, serial NT at intervals of 24 hours using fresh oocytes is possible, but the success rate could not be improved due to loss of chromosomes during the second NT.

    DOI: 10.1089/cell.2016.0026

    Web of Science


  • 尿中の体細胞からのクローンマウス作出および核移植胚由来ES細胞株の樹立 Major achievement

    水谷英二, 鳥飼昂平, 若山清香, 長友啓明, 大日向康秀, 岸上哲士, 若山照彦

    Journal of Reproduction and Development   62 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   j140   2016.9( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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  • DNA Methylation Errors in Cloned Mouse Sperm by Germ Line Barrier Evasion Reviewed Major achievement

    Tasuku Koike, Takuya Wakai, Yuko Jincho, Akihiko Sakashita, Hisato Kobayashi, Eiji Mizutani, Sayaka Wakayama, Fumihito Miura, Takashi Ito, Tomohiro Kono

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   94 ( 6 )   128   2016.6( ISSN:0006-3363  eISSN:1529-7268 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION  

    The germ line reprogramming barrier resets parental epigenetic modifications according to sex, conferring totipotency to mammalian embryos upon fertilization. However, it is not known whether epigenetic errors are committed during germ line reprogramming that are then transmitted to germ cells, and consequently to offspring. We addressed this question in the present study by performing a genome-wide DNA methylation analysis using a target postbisulfite sequencing method in order to identify DNA methylation errors in cloned mouse sperm. The sperm genomes of two somatic cell-cloned mice (CL1 and CL7) contained significantly higher numbers of differentially methylated CpG sites (P = 0.0045 and P = 0.0116). As a result, they had higher numbers of differentially methylated CpG islands. However, there was no evidence that these sites were transmitted to the sperm genome of offspring. These results suggest that DNA methylation errors resulting from embryo cloning are transmitted to the sperm genome by evading the germ line reprogramming barrier.

    DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.116.138677

    Web of Science


  • Generation of cloned mice and nuclear transfer embryonic stem cell lines from urine-derived cells Reviewed Major achievement

    Eiji Mizutani, Kohei Torikai, Sayaka Wakayama, Hiroaki Nagatomo, Yasuhide Ohinata, Satoshi Kishigami, Teruhiko Wakayama

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   6   23808   2016.4( ISSN:2045-2322 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Cloning animals by nuclear transfer provides the opportunity to preserve endangered mammalian species. However, there are risks associated with the collection of donor cells from the body such as accidental injury to or death of the animal. Here, we report the production of cloned mice from urine-derived cells collected noninvasively. Most of the urine-derived cells survived and were available as donors for nuclear transfer without any pretreatment. After nuclear transfer, 38-77% of the reconstructed embryos developed to the morula/blastocyst, in which the cell numbers in the inner cell mass and trophectoderm were similar to those of controls. Male and female cloned mice were delivered from cloned embryos transferred to recipient females, and these cloned animals grew to adulthood and delivered pups naturally when mated with each other. The results suggest that these cloned mice had normal fertility. In additional experiments, 26 nuclear transfer embryonic stem cell lines were established from 108 cloned blastocysts derived from four mouse strains including inbreds and F1 hybrids with relatively high success rates. Thus, cells derived from urine, which can be collected noninvasively, may be used in the rescue of endangered mammalian species by using nuclear transfer without causing injury to the animal.

    DOI: 10.1038/srep23808

    Web of Science


  • ntES細胞の点突然変異解析 Major achievement

    砂山美里, 荒木良子, 藤森(法喜)ゆう子, 水谷英二, 若山清香, 長友啓明, 中村美樹, 若山照彦, 安倍真澄

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   39th   ROMBUNNO.3P‐0489 (WEB ONLY)   2016

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  • 国際宇宙ステーションで長期保存したマウス精子からの産仔作出(Space Pup) Major achievement

    若山清香, 鎌田裕子, 山中香織, 鈴木ひろみ, 嶋津徹, 嶋津徹, 幸田尚, 笠原春夫, 長田郁子, 水谷英二, 石野史敏, 矢野幸子, 若山照彦, 若山照彦

    日本宇宙航空環境医学会大会プログラム・予稿集   62nd   122   2016

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  


  • 連続核移植により未受精卵の細胞質に長時間浸したドナー核の発生能について Major achievement

    若山清香, 長友啓明, 大日向康秀, 水谷英二, 若山照彦

    J Reprod Dev   61 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   J150   2015.9( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  


  • 精子の鞭毛除去によるICSI技術の簡便化の試み Major achievement

    鳥飼昂平, 清水和真, 鎌田裕子, 柴崎郁江, 長友啓明, 若山清香, 水谷英二, 若山照彦

    J Reprod Dev   61 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   J149   2015.9( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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  • A Simple Method for Transportation of Mouse Embryos Using Microtubes and a Warm Box Reviewed Major achievement

    Mikiko Tokoro, Noritaka Fukunaga, Kaori Yamanaka, Fumiaki Itoi, Yukari Terashita, Yuko Kamada, Sayaka Wakayama, Yoshimasa Asada, Teruhiko Wakayama

    PLOS ONE   10 ( 9 )   e0138854   2015.9( ISSN:1932-6203 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    Generally, transportation of preimplantation embryos without freezing requires incubators that can maintain an optimal culture environment with a suitable gas phase, temperature, and humidity. Such incubators are expensive to transport. We reported previously that normal offspring were obtained when the gas phase and temperature could be maintained during transportation. However, that system used plastic dishes for embryo culture and is unsuitable for long-distance transport of live embryos. Here, we developed a simple low-cost embryo transportation system. Instead of plastic dishes, several types of microtubes-usually used for molecular analysis-were tested for embryo culture. When they were washed and attached to a gas-permeable film, the rate of embryo development from the 1-cell to blastocyst stage was more than 90%. The quality of these blastocysts and the rate of full-term development after embryo transfer to recipient female mice were similar to those of a dish-cultured control group. Next, we developed a small warm box powered by a battery instead of mains power, which could maintain an optimal temperature for embryo development during transport. When 1-cell embryos derived from BDF1, C57BL/6, C3H/He and ICR mouse strains were transported by a parcel-delivery service over 3 days using microtubes and the box, they developed to blastocysts with rates similar to controls. After the embryos had been transferred into recipient female mice, healthy offspring were obtained without any losses except for the C3H/He strain. Thus, transport of mouse embryos is possible using this very simple method, which might prove useful in the field of reproductive medicine.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0138854

    Web of Science


  • 体細胞クローンマウス精子のDNAメチル化異常の検出 Major achievement

    小池佐, 神長祐子, 若井拓也, 若井拓也, 水谷英二, 小林久人, 若山清香, 坂下陽彦, 三浦史仁, 伊藤隆司, 河野友宏

    J Reprod Dev   61 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   J151 - 82-P-82   2015.9( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.108.0_P-82


  • Whole genome sequencingによるiPS細胞と核移植ES細胞ゲノム内点突然変異比較 Major achievement

    藤森(法喜)ゆう子, 荒木良子, 砂山美里, 水谷英二, 若山清香, 長友啓明, 笠間康次, 中村美樹, 若山照彦, 安倍真澄

    日本生化学会大会(Web)   88th   4T11L-05(3P0979) (WEB ONLY)   2015

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  • Treatment of donor cell/embryo with different approaches to improve development after nuclear transfer Reviewed Major achievement

    Eiji Mizutani, Sayaka Wakayama, Teruhiko Wakayama

    Nuclear Reprogramming: Methods and Protocols: Second Edition   1222   101 - 111   2014.10( ISSN:1064-3745 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Part of collection (book)   Publisher:Springer New York  

    The successful production of cloned animals by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is a promising technology with many potential applications in basic research, medicine, and agriculture. However, the low efficiency and the difficulty of cloning are major obstacles to the widespread use of this technology. Since the first mammal cloned from an adult donor cell was born, many attempts have been made to improve animal cloning techniques, and some approaches have successfully improved its efficiency. Nuclear transfer itself is still difficult because it requires an accomplished operator with a practiced technique. Thus, it is very important to find simple and reproducible methods for improving the success rate of SCNT. In this chapter, we will review our recent protocols, which seem to be the simplest and most reliable method to date to improve development of SCNT embryos.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-1594-1_8



  • 体細胞クローンマウス精子のDNAメチレーションエラー Major achievement

    河野友宏, 若井拓哉, 水谷英二, 小林久人, 若山清香, 坂下陽彦, 三浦史仁, 伊藤隆司

    J Reprod Dev   60 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   J75 - 25-OR1-25   2014.8( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.107.0_OR1-25


  • iPS細胞/ES細胞の生物学【Part1:多能性の誘導】核移植によるリプログラミング機構 Major achievement

    水谷英二, 若山清香, 若山照彦

    生物の科学 遺伝   68 ( 1 )   20 - 25   2014.1( ISSN:0387-0022 )

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    CiNii Books


  • 体細胞クローンマウス精子のDNAメチル化リプログラミング Major achievement

    若井拓哉, 水谷英二, 小林久人, 若山清香, 坂下陽彦, 伊藤隆司, 三浦史仁, 河野友宏

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   37th   3W8-6(3P-0172) (WEB ONLY)   2014

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  • Enhancing SCNT with Chromatin Remodeling Agents Reviewed Major achievement

    Satoshi Kishigami, Nguyen Van Thuan, Sayaka Wakayama, Teruhiko Wakayama

    Principles of Cloning: Second Edition   137 - 148   2013.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Part of collection (book)   Publisher:Elsevier Inc.  

    Since the first cloned mammal, Dolly the sheep, the success rates of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) have been extremely low. This inefficiency has been limiting practical applications of SCNT. In the past decade, many trials aimed to enhance SCNT have led to the development of new modified SCNT methods, resulting in an increased success rate. These trials can be mainly divided into four types: type 1, improvement by optimizing SCNT protocols in each condition such as the methods of oocyte activation
    type 2, improvement by modified donor cell preparation, including optimization of the cell cycle
    type 3, improvement by chemical treatment of reconstructed oocytes
    and type 4, improvement by gene manipulation of donor cells.In 2006, treatment of SCNT embryos with trichostatin A (TSA), a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi), was found to improve significantly the development of SCNT embryos in mice
    this was the first example of success (of type 3) using chromatin remodeling agents. Since then, a variety of modified SCNT protocols with HDACs have been examined in many species. Thus, the success of significant improvement in SCNT with HDACi has not only contributed to development of new method of SCNT, but also provided a lot of insights into nuclear reprogramming. In this chapter, we review recent advances in modified SCNT methods using chemical agents for chromatin remodeling, focusing particularly on modified SCNT with HDACi in mice. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-386541-0.00011-4


  • Latrunculin A Treatment Prevents Abnormal Chromosome Segregation for Successful Development of Cloned Embryos Reviewed Major achievement

    Yukari Terashita, Kazuo Yamagata, Mikiko Tokoro, Fumiaki Itoi, Sayaka Wakayama, Chong Li, Eimei Sato, Kentaro Tanemura, Teruhiko Wakayama

    PLOS ONE   8 ( 10 )   e78380   2013.10( ISSN:1932-6203 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    Somatic cell nuclear transfer to an enucleated oocyte is used for reprogramming somatic cells with the aim of achieving totipotency, but most cloned embryos die in the uterus after transfer. While modifying epigenetic states of cloned embryos can improve their development, the production rate of cloned embryos can also be enhanced by changing other factors. It has already been shown that abnormal chromosome segregation (ACS) is a major cause of the developmental failure of cloned embryos and that Latrunculin A (LatA), an actin polymerization inhibitor, improves F-actin formation and birth rate of cloned embryos. Since F-actin is important for chromosome congression in embryos, here we examined the relation between ACS and F-actin in cloned embryos. Using LatA treatment, the occurrence of ACS decreased significantly whereas cloned embryo-specific epigenetic abnormalities such as dimethylation of histone H3 at lysine 9 (H3K9me2) could not be corrected. In contrast, when H3K9me2 was normalized using the G9a histone methyltransferase inhibitor BIX-01294, the Magea2 gene-essential for normal development but never before expressed in cloned embryos-was expressed. However, this did not increase the cloning success rate. Thus, non-epigenetic factors also play an important role in determining the efficiency of mouse cloning.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0078380

    Web of Science


  • 凍結乾燥精子で受精したマウス初期胚のライブセルイメージング解析 Major achievement

    水谷英二, 若山清香, 岸田佳奈, 若山照彦

    J Reprod Dev   59 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   J150 - 97-P-97   2013.8( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.106.0.P-97.0


  • 無限クローンは可能か Major achievement

    若山照彦, 幸田尚, 小保方晴子, 野老美紀子, リ チョン, 寺下愉加里, 水谷英二, グェンバン トン, 岸上哲士, 若山清香, 石野史敏

    J Reprod Dev   59 ( Suppl Japanese Issue )   J153 - 102-P-102   2013.8( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.106.0.P-102.0


  • Differentiation Potential of Parthenogenetic Embryonic Stem Cells Is Improved by Nuclear Transfer (vol 25, pg 46, 2007) Major achievement

    Takafusa Hikichi, Sayaka Wakayama, Eiji Mizutani, Yasuhiro Takashima, Satoshi Kishigami, Nguyen Van Thuan, Hiroshi Ohta, Hong-Thuy Bui, Shin-Ichi Nishikawa, Teruhiko Wakayama

    STEM CELLS   31 ( 5 )   1031 - 1031   2013.5( ISSN:1066-5099 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:(MISC) Other article   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    DOI: 10.1002/stem.1346

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  • Project of mammalian reproduction in Space Major achievement

    WAKAYAMA Sayaka, YANO Sachiko, KASAHARA Haruo, OSADA Ikuko, SHIMAZU Toru, SUZUKI Hiromi, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    Journal of mammalian ova research = 日本哺乳動物卵子学会誌   30 ( 2 )   S100   2013.4( ISSN:1341-7738 )

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    CiNii Books

  • Successful Serial Recloning in the Mouse over Multiple Generations Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Takashi Kohda, Haruko Obokata, Mikiko Tokoro, Chong Li, Yukari Terashita, Eiji Mizutani, Van Thuan Nguyen, Satoshi Kishigami, Fumitoshi Ishino, Teruhiko Wakayama

    CELL STEM CELL   12 ( 3 )   293 - 297   2013.3( ISSN:1934-5909  eISSN:1875-9777 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CELL PRESS  

    Previous studies of serial cloning in animals showed a decrease in efficiency over repeated iterations and a failure in all species after a few generations. This limitation led to the suggestion that repeated recloning might be inherently impossible because of the accumulation of lethal genetic or epigenetic abnormalities. However, we have now succeeded in carrying out repeated recloning in the mouse through a somatic cell nuclear transfer method that includes a histone deacetylase inhibitor. The cloning efficiency did not decrease over 25 generations, and, to date, we have obtained more than 500 viable offspring from a single original donor mouse. The reprogramming efficiency also did not increase over repeated rounds of nuclear transfer, and we did not see the accumulation of reprogramming errors or clone-specific abnormalities. Therefore, our results show that repeated iterative recloning is possible and suggest that, with adequately efficient techniques, it may be possible to reclone animals indefinitely.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2013.01.005

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  • マウス精子の宇宙保存へ向けて Major achievement

    若山 清香, 山中 香織, 矢野 幸子, 笠原 春夫, 長田 郁子, 嶋津 徹, 鈴木 ひろみ, 水谷 英二, 若山 照彦

    日本繁殖生物学会 講演要旨集   106 ( 0 )   OR2 - 30-OR2-30   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本繁殖生物学会  

    【目的】人類は宇宙で繁栄できるだろうか。これまでの研究から,両生類や鳥類の胚は宇宙でも発生できることが確認されている。しかし,肝心の哺乳動物を用いた繁殖実験はすべて失敗に終わっている。これは動物を宇宙で飼育することが困難なことや,宇宙飛行士にとって初期胚を使った実験は難しすぎることが原因だと思われる。我々が行った疑似微小重力発生装置を用いた実験でも,マウス胚は無重力環境下で発育できない可能性を示していた(Wakayama et al. Plos One 2009)。だがシミュレーションでは本当のことはわからない。宇宙での本当の実験が不可欠である。【方法】我々は2009年にJAXAが公募していた国際宇宙ステーション「きぼう」第二次後期利用実験計画に,フリーズドライにしたマウス精子を宇宙で長期間保存し,生殖細胞への宇宙放射線の影響を調べるというテーマで応募した。この方法ならロケットの打ち上げ時と回収時を常温で行え,また宇宙飛行士は容器を運ぶだけなので難しい技術の習得も時間も必要ない。これらの利点が評価され,我々のテーマは2010年に「打ち上げ候補」として採択された。次に我々は1.実際の打ち上げを想定した温度変化を与えても生まれることの確認,2.振動・衝撃が加わっても精子の保存が可能な容器の決定3.エックス線やガンマ線照射を行い,生まれる限界放射線量を決定,4.詳細な実験計画とその評価方法の技術的確立など膨大な量の実験を行い,2012年についに打ち上げ決定となった。実験ではBDF1やB6など4系統のマウスそれぞれ3−4個体からフリーズドライ精子を作成し,宇宙ステーションと地上(コントロール)でそれぞれ3か月間,1年間および2年間保存する。回収後,精子のDNAダメージ度の測定や顕微授精による産仔作出を試み,生殖細胞への宇宙放射線の影響を明らかにする。現在,打ち上げ用として最も出産率の高い試料を選定中である。【結果】2013年8月4日,種子島からH2Bロケット4号機で打ち上げ予定。

  • 中空糸ガラス化法の実用化に関する研究-1:融解速度の胚生存性への影響 Major achievement

    内倉 鮎子, 松成 ひとみ, 松村 幸奈, 中野 和明, 浅野 吉則, 前原 美樹, 若山 清香, 若山 照彦, 長嶋 比呂志

    日本繁殖生物学会 講演要旨集   106   OR2 - 26-OR2-26   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本繁殖生物学会  

    【目的】我々は既にマウスおよびブタ胚のガラス化保存において,中空糸法により高い生存性が得られることを報告した。本研究は,中空糸法の融解条件が胚生存性に及ぼす影響を検証することを目的とした。 【方法】過排卵処理したBDF1マウスから採取した2細胞期胚を実験に用いた。既報(Matsunariら,2012)に従い,7.5% DMSO,7.5% エチレングリコール(EG)を含む平衡液中で,セルローストリアセテート製中空糸内に10個の胚を収容した。5–7分の平衡後,中空糸を15%DMSO,15%EG,0.5M sucroseを含むガラス化液に1分間維持し,その後液体窒素(LN)中に投入した。3種の融解条件を比較した。通常法:LNから取り出した中空糸を37.5℃に温めた融解液(1M sucrose含)に素早く投入した。加温盤法:中空糸を37.5℃に温めた加温盤上に約3秒静置して融解し,その後室温の融解液に投入した。空気中法:中空糸を室温の空気中に5秒間保持して融解し,その後室温の融解液に投入した。融解液投入以降の凍害保護剤の段階的希釈および洗浄は常温で行った。胚の生存判定は培養および移植試験により行った。 【結果】通常法,加温盤法,空気中法および非ガラス化区の胚盤胞形成率には,有意差は見られなかった(105/110, 95.5% vs. 107/110, 97.3% vs. 94/100, 94.0% vs. 109/110, 99.1%)。各区のガラス化胚を発情同期化したレシピエント雌に移植した結果,妊娠率はいずれも100% (4/4;非ガラス化区のみ2/2)であり,移植胚の胎仔への発達率は,55/80(68.8%),56/80(70.0%),55/80(68.8%),35/40(87.5%)であった(有意差なし)。 【考察】一般にガラス化法においては,超急速な融解条件が必須と考えられている。中空糸ガラス化法では,比較的緩除な条件で融解が行われた場合にも,胚の生存性が高く保たれることが明らかとなった。

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.106.0.OR2-26.0

    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2014046938

  • Latrunculin A Can Improve the Birth Rate of Cloned Mice and Simplify the Nuclear Transfer Protocol by Gently Inhibiting Actin Polymerization Reviewed Major achievement

    Yukari Terashita, Sayaka Wakayama, Kazuo Yamagata, Chong Li, Eimei Sato, Teruhiko Wakayama

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   86 ( 6 )   180   2012.6( ISSN:0006-3363  eISSN:1529-7268 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC  

    Although animal cloning is becoming more practicable, there are many abnormalities in cloned embryos, and the success rate of producing live animals by cloning has been low. Here, we focused on the procedure for preventing pseudo-second polar body extrusion from somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)derived oocytes. Typically, reconstructed oocytes are treated with cytochalasin B (CB), but here latrunculin A (LatA) was used instead of CB to prevent pseudo-second polar body extrusion by inhibiting actin polymerization. CB caps F-actin, LatA binds G-actin, and both drugs prevent their polymerization. When the localization of F-actin was examined using phalloidin staining, it was abnormally scattered in the cytoplasm of CB-treated 1-cell embryos, but this was not detected in LatA-treated or in vitro fertilization-derived control embryos. The spindle was larger in CB-treated oocytes than in LatA-treated or untreated control oocytes. LatA treatment also doubled the rate of full-term development after embryo transfer. These results suggest that cloning efficiency in mice can be improved by optimizing each step of the SCNT procedure. Moreover, by using LatA, we could simplify the procedure with a higher birth rate of cloned mice compared with our original method.

    DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.111.098764

    Web of Science


  • Fluorescence Cell Imaging and Manipulation Using Conventional Halogen Lamp Microscopy Reviewed Major achievement

    Kazuo Yamagata, Daisaku Iwamoto, Yukari Terashita, Chong Li, Sayaka Wakayama, Yoko Hayashi-Takanaka, Hiroshi Kimura, Kazuhiro Saeki, Teruhiko Wakayama

    PLOS ONE   7 ( 2 )   e31638   2012.2( ISSN:1932-6203 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    Technologies for vitally labeling cells with fluorescent dyes have advanced remarkably. However, to excite fluorescent dyes currently requires powerful illumination, which can cause phototoxic damage to the cells and increases the cost of microscopy. We have developed a filter system to excite fluorescent dyes using a conventional transmission microscope equipped with a halogen lamp. This method allows us to observe previously invisible cell organelles, such as the metaphase spindle of oocytes, without causing phototoxicity. Cells remain healthy even after intensive manipulation under fluorescence observation, such as during bovine, porcine and mouse somatic cell cloning using nuclear transfer. This method does not require expensive epifluorescence equipment and so could help to reduce the science gap between developed and developing countries.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031638

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    C. Li, Y. Terashita, M. Tokoro, S. Wakayama, T. Wakayama

    REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT   24 ( 1 )   130 - 130   2012( ISSN:1031-3613 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:(MISC) Summary of the papers read (international conference)   Publisher:CSIRO PUBLISHING  

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  • The novel use of modified pig zygotic medium for the efficient culture of the preimplantation mouse embryos Reviewed Major achievement

    Dasari Amarnath, Sayaka Wakayama, Jie Zhu, Adel R. Moawad, Teruhiko Wakayama, Keith H. S. Campbell

    THERIOGENOLOGY   76 ( 9 )   1639 - 1646   2011.12( ISSN:0093-691X )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    A high potassium concentration in culture media is considered detrimental to in vitro culture of mouse embryos. Here we show that pig zygotic medium (PZM) containing a higher concentration of potassium, and modified to contain 0.2 mM glucose and 0.01 mM EDTA, supported efficient pre- and post-implantation development of mouse zygotes to blastocysts and live pups, respectively. At first, modified PZM (mPZM) was compared with other culture media such as M16, CZB and KSOM-AA for its ability to support development of in vivo mouse zygotes to the blastocyst stage. The proportions of zygotes reaching 2-cell (94-99%) and blastocyst (90-96%) stages in mPZM and other media were not different. However, hatching rates of blastocysts were different (P &lt; 0.05); whereas more than 90% of the blastocysts were hatching in mPZM or KSOM-AA, only 60% of the blastocysts did in MI6 or CZB media (P &lt; 0.05). Next we compared post-implantation development of in vitro fertilized zygotes developed to blastocysts in mPZM and KSOM-AA. The proportion of blastocysts developing into live pups was not different between mPZM (49%) and KSOM-AA (44%). Finally, we evaluated whether mPZM could be also used as a fertilization medium. Modified PZM containing 5.56 mM of glucose and 0.4% BSA efficiently supported IVF of mouse gametes. The percent of zygotes cleaving to 2-cell (94-98%) and blastocysts (91-93%) stage was not different from zygotes fertilized in human tubal fluid medium. We concluded that modified pig zygotic medium containing a higher potassium concentration than any other commonly used mouse media supported not only culture of mouse embryos, but also efficient IVF of mouse gametes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2011.06.028

    Web of Science


  • Non epigenetic factors can also improve the birth rate of clone mouse Major achievement

    TERASHITA Yukari, WAKAYAMA Sayaka, YAMAGATA Kazuo, LI Chong, SATO Eimei, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    28 ( 2 )   S64   2011.4( ISSN:1341-7738 )

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    CiNii Books

  • The re-clonening of mice Major achievement

    WAKAYAMA Sayaka, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    28 ( 2 )   S65   2011.4( ISSN:1341-7738 )

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.)  

    CiNii Books

  • Generation of Healthy Cloned Mice Using Enucleated Cryopreserved Oocytes Reviewed Major achievement

    Shuji Hirata, Hiroko Fukasawa, Sayaka Wakayama, Teruhiko Wakayama, Kazuhiko Hoshi

    CELLULAR REPROGRAMMING   13 ( 1 )   7 - 11   2011.2( ISSN:2152-4971  eISSN:2152-4998 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC  

    The successful generation of cloned animals and the establishment of embryonic stem (ES) cell lines from somatic cells suggest that these techniques may be used in human regenerative medicine. However, the fact that oocytes must be donated by women undergoing infertility treatment remains a fundamental ethical objection, as they might be concerned about the potential exploitation of their genome. Here, we investigated the reprogramming potential of enucleated and cryopreserved oocytes for the development of full-term cloned mice. BDF1 strain mouse oocytes were cryopreserved at metaphase II, before and after enucleation. After thawing, cumulus cell nuclei were microinjected to generate clones. Although the rate of development of cloned embryos to the blastocyst stage using the treated oocytes was lower than that obtained using fresh oocytes, three live pups were delivered after embryo transfer into pseudopregnant females (0.4% of the oocytes used). Thus, although cryo-preservation reduces the potential of oocytes, these cells retain the ability to support the full-term development of cloned embryos. In addition, the removal of DNA from human oocytes may alleviate the ethical and psychological problems for women who are undergoing infertility treatment and are considering oocyte donation for research or therapeutic purposes.

    DOI: 10.1089/cell.2010.0059

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  • Essential role of paternal chromatin in the regulation of transcriptional activity during mouse preimplantation development Reviewed Major achievement

    Hong-Thuy Bui, Sayaka Wakayama, Eiji Mizutani, Keun-Kyu Park, Jin-Hoi Kim, Nguyen Van Thuan, Teruhiko Wakayama

    REPRODUCTION   141 ( 1 )   67 - 77   2011.1( ISSN:1470-1626 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BIOSCIENTIFICA LTD  

    Several lines of evidence indicate that the formation of a transcriptionally repressive state during the two-cell stage in the preimplantation mouse embryo is superimposed on the activation of the embryonic genome. However, it is difficult to determine the profile of newly synthesized (nascent) RNA during this phase because large amounts of maternal RNA accumulate in maturing oocytes to support early development. Using 5-bromouridine-5'-triphosphate labeling of RNA, we have verified that nascent RNA synthesis was repressed between the two-cell and four-cell transition in normally fertilized but not in parthenogenetic embryos. Moreover, this repression was contributed by sperm (male) chromatin, which we confirmed by studying androgenetic embryos. The source of factors responsible for repressing nascent RNA production was investigated using different stages of sperm development. Fertilization with immature round spermatids resulted in a lower level of transcriptional activity than with ICSI at the two-cell stage, and this was consistent with further repression at the four-cell stage in the ICSI group. Finally, study on DNA replication and chromatin remodeling was performed using labeled histones H3 and H4 to differentiate between male and female pronuclei. The combination of male and female chromatin appeared to decrease nascent RNA production in the fertilized embryo. This study indicates that paternal chromatin is important in the regulation of transcriptional activity during mouse preimplantation development and that this capacity is acquired during spermiogenesis. Reproduction (2011) 141 67-77

    DOI: 10.1530/REP-10-0109

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  • Effect of Trichostatin A on Chromatin Remodeling, Histone Modifications, DNA Replication, and Transcriptional Activity in Cloned Mouse Embryos Reviewed Major achievement

    Hong-Thuy Bui, Sayaka Wakayama, Satoshi Kishigami, Keun-Kyu Park, Jin-Hoi Kim, Nguyen Van Thuan, Teruhiko Wakayama

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   83 ( 3 )   454 - 463   2010.9( ISSN:0006-3363  eISSN:1529-7268 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC  

    Our group and others have found that the treatment of embryos with trichostatin A (TSA) after cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) results. in a significant improvement in efficiency. We believe that TSA treatment improves nuclear remodeling via histone modifications, which are important in the epigenetic regulation of gene silencing and expression. Some studies found that treatment of SCNT-generated embryos with TSA improved lysine acetylation of core histones in a manner similar to that seen in normally fertilized embryos. However, how histone methylation is modified in TSA-treated cloned embryos is not completely understood. In the present study, we found that TSA treatment caused an increase in chromosome decondensation and nuclear volume in SCNT-generated embryos similar to that in embryos produced by intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Histone acetylation increased in parallel with chromosome decondensation. This was associated with a more effective formation of DNA replication complexes in treated embryos. We also found a differential effect of TSA on the methylation of histone H3 at positions K4 and K9 in SCNT-generated embryos that could contribute to genomic reprogramming of the somatic cell nuclei. In addition, using 5-bromouridine 5'-triphosphate-labeled RNA, we showed that TSA enhanced the levels of newly synthesized RNA in 2-cell embryos. Interestingly, the amount of SCNT-generated embryos showing asymmetric expression of nascent RNA was reduced significantly in the TSA-treated group compared with the nontreated group at the 2-cell stage. We conclude that the incomplete and inaccurate genomic reprogramming of SCNT-generated embryos was improved by TSA treatment. This could enhance the reprogramming of somatic nuclei in terms of chromatin remodeling, histone modifications, DNA replication, and transcriptional activity.

    DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.109.083337

    Web of Science


  • Functional full-term placentas formed from parthenogenetic embryos using serial nuclear transfer Reviewed Major achievement

    Takafusa Hikichi, Hiroshi Ohta, Sayaka Wakayama, Teruhiko Wakayama

    DEVELOPMENT   137 ( 17 )   2841 - 2847   2010.9( ISSN:0950-1991  eISSN:1477-9129 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS LTD  

    Mammalian parthenogenetic embryos invariably die in mid-gestation from imprinted gene defects and placental hypoplasia. Based on chimera experiments, trophoblastic proliferation is supposed to be inhibited in the absence of a male genome. Here, we show that parthenogenetic mouse embryonic cell nuclei can be reprogrammed by serial rounds of nuclear transfer without using any genetic modification. The durations of survival in uteri of cloned foetuses derived from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labelled parthenogenetic cell nuclei were extended with repeated nuclear transfers. After five repeats, live cloned foetuses were obtained up to day 14.5 of gestation; however, they did not survive longer even when we repeated nuclear transfer up to nine times. All foetuses showed intestinal herniation and possessed well-expanded large placentas. When embryonic stem (ES) cells derived from fertilised embryos were aggregated with the cloned embryos, full-term offspring with large placentas were obtained from the chimeric embryos. Those placentas were derived from parthenogenetic cell nuclei, judging from GFP expression. The patterns of imprinted gene expression and methylation status were similar to their parthenogenetic origin, except for Peg10, which showed the same level as in the normal placenta. These results suggest that there is a limitation for foetal development in the ability to reprogramme imprinted genes by repeated rounds of nuclear transfer. However, the placentas of parthenogenetic embryos can escape epigenetic regulation when developed using nuclear transfer techniques and can support foetal development to full gestation.

    DOI: 10.1242/dev.051375

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  • 微小重力環境におけるマウスの受精と発生--人類は宇宙で繁栄できるか? Major achievement

    若山 清香, 河原 裕美, 弓削 類

    遺伝   64 ( 3 )   60 - 65   2010.5( ISSN:0387-0022 )

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publisher:エヌ・ティー・エス  

    CiNii Books

  • Improvement of mouse cloning using nuclear transfer-derived embryonic stem cells and/or histone deacetylase inhibitor Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Teruhiko Wakayama

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY   54 ( 11-12 )   1641 - 1648   2010( ISSN:0214-6282  eISSN:1696-3547 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:UNIV BASQUE COUNTRY UPV-EHU PRESS  

    Nuclear transfer-derived ES (ntES) cell lines can be established from somatic cell nuclei with a relatively high success rate. Although ntES cells have been shown to be equivalent to ES cells, there are ethical objections concerning human cells, such as the use of fresh oocyte donation from young healthy woman. In contrast, the use of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells for cloning poses few ethical problems and is a relatively easy technique compared with nuclear transfer. Therefore, although there are several reports proposing the use of ntES cells as a model of regenerative medicine, the use of these cells in preliminary medical research is waning. However, in theory, 5 to 10 donor cells can establish one ntES cell line and, once established, these cells will propagate indefinitely. These cells can be used to generate cloned animals from ntES cell lines using a second round of NT. Even in infertile and "unclonable" strains of mice, we can generate offspring from somatic cells by combining cloning with ntES technology. Moreover, cloned offspring can be generated potentially even from the nuclei of dead bodies or freeze-dried cells via ntES cells, such as from an extinct frozen animal. Currently, only the ntES technology is available for this purpose, because all other techniques, including iPS cell derivation, require significant numbers of living donor cells. This review describes how to improve the efficiency of cloning, the establishment of clone-derived embryonic stem cells and further applications.

    DOI: 10.1387/ijdb.103205sw

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    Sayaka Wakayama, Eiji Mizutani, Teruhiko Wakayama


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Part of collection (book)   Publisher:ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC  

    Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has become a unique and powerful tool for epigenetic reprogramming research and gene manipulation in animals. Although the success rates of somatic cloning have been inefficient and the mechanism of reprogramming is still largely unknown, therefore, the nuclear transfer (NT) method has been thought of as a "black box approach'' and inadequate to determine the detail of how genomic reprogramming occurs. However, only the NT approach can reveal dynamic and global modifications in the epigenome without using genetic modification, as well as can create live animals. At present, this is the only technique available for the preservation and propagation of valuable genetic resources from mutant mice that are infertile or too old, or recovered from carcasses, without the use of germ cells. This chapter describes a basic protocol for mouse cloning and embryonic stem (ES) cell establishment from cloned embryo using a piezo-actuated micromanipulator. This technique will greatly help not only in mouse cloning but also in other forms of micromanipulation such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) into oocytes or ES cell injection into blastocysts. In addition, we describe a new, more efficient mouse cloning protocol using histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi), which increases the success rates of cloned mice or establish rate of ES cells to fivefold.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(10)76009-2

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  • 細胞核の初期化メカニズム 多能性・全能性獲得のナゾに迫る 03 ES細胞の樹立からみた「核移植と核のリプログラミング」 Major achievement

    若山清香, 水谷英二, 若山照彦

    メディカルバイオ   6 ( 5 )   22 - 27   2009.9( ISSN:1881-9354 )

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  

    CiNii Books


  • Detrimental Effects of Microgravity on Mouse Preimplantation Development In Vitro Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Yumi Kawahara, Chong Li, Kazuo Yamagata, Louis Yuge, Teruhiko Wakayama

    PLOS ONE   4 ( 8 )   e6753   2009.8( ISSN:1932-6203 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    Sustaining life beyond Earth either on space stations or on other planets will require a clear understanding of how the space environment affects key phases of mammalian reproduction. However, because of the difficulty of doing such experiments in mammals, most studies of reproduction in space have been carried out with other taxa, such as sea urchins, fish, amphibians or birds. Here, we studied the possibility of mammalian fertilization and preimplantation development under microgravity (mu G) conditions using a three-dimensional (3D) clinostat, which faithfully simulates 10(-3) G using 3D rotation. Fertilization occurred normally in vitro under mG. However, although we obtained 75 healthy offspring from mu G-fertilized and -cultured embryos after transfer to recipient females, the birth rate was lower than among the 1G controls. Immunostaining demonstrated that in vitro culture under mG caused slower development and fewer trophectoderm cells than in 1G controls but did not affect polarization of the blastocyst. These results suggest for the first time that fertilization can occur normally under mG environment in a mammal, but normal preimplantation embryo development might require 1G.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0006753

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  • The histone deacetylase inhibitor scriptaid enhances nascent mRNA production and rescues full-term development in cloned inbred mice Reviewed Major achievement

    Nguyen Van Thuan, Hong-Thuy Bui, Jin-Hoi Kim, Takafusa Hikichi, Sayaka Wakayama, Satoshi Kishigami, Eiji Mizutani, Teruhiko Wakayama

    REPRODUCTION   138 ( 2 )   309 - 317   2009.8( ISSN:1470-1626 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BIO SCIENTIFICA LTD  

    Since the birth of Cumulina, the first mouse clone produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), the success rate of cloning in mice has been extremely low compared with other species and most of the inbred mouse strains have never been cloned. Recently, our laboratory has found that treatment of SCNT mouse embryos with trichostatin A, a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi), improved the full-term development of B6D2F1 mouse clones significantly. However, this was not effective for the inbred strains. Here, we show for the first time that by treating SCNT embryos with another HDACi, scriptaid, all the important inbred mouse strains can be cloned, such as C57BL/6, C3H/He, DBA/2, and 129/Sv. Moreover, the success of somatic nuclear reprogramming and cloning efficiency via nuclear transfer technique is clearly linked to the competent de novo synthesis of nascent mRNA in cloned mouse embryos. Reproduction (2009) 138 309-317

    DOI: 10.1530/REP-08-0299

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  • Production of healthy cloned mice from bodies frozen at-20℃ for 16 years Major achievement

    WAKAYAMA Sayaka, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    26 ( 2 )   S80   2009.4( ISSN:1341-7738 )

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  • Cloning of es cells and mice by nuclear transfer Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Satoshi Kishigami, Teruhiko Wakayama

    Methods in Molecular Biology   530   251 - 265   2009( ISSN:1064-3745 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    We have been able to develop a stable nuclear transfer (NT) method in the mouse, in which donor nuclei are directly injected into the oocyte using a piezo-actuated micromanipulator. Although the piezo unit is a complex tool, once mastered it is of great help not only in NT experiments, but also in almost all other forms of micromanipulation. Using this technique, embryonic stem (ntES) cell lines established from somatic cell nuclei can be generated relatively easily from a variety of mouse genotypes and cell types. Such ntES cells can be used not only for experimental models of human therapeutic cloning but also as a means of preserving mouse genomes instead of preserving germ cells. Here, we describe our most recent protocols for mouse cloning. © 2009 Humana Press, a part of Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-59745-471-1_13



  • The cytoplasm of mouse germinal vesicle stage oocytes can enhance somatic cell nuclear reprogramming Reviewed Major achievement

    Hong-Thuy Bui, Sayaka Wakayama, Satoshi Kishigami, Jin-Hoi Kim, Nguyen Van Thuan, Teruhiko Wakayama

    DEVELOPMENT   135 ( 23 )   3935 - 3945   2008.12( ISSN:0950-1991 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS LTD  

    In mammalian cloning, evidence suggests that genomic reprogramming factors are located in the nucleus rather than the cytoplasm of oocytes or zygotes. However, little is known about the mechanisms of reprogramming, and new methods using nuclear factors have not succeeded in producing cloned mice from differentiated somatic cell nuclei. We aimed to determine whether there are functional reprogramming factors present in the cytoplasm of germinal vesicle stage (GV) oocytes. We found that the GV oocyte cytoplasm could remodel somatic cell nuclei, completely demethylate histone H3 at lysine 9 and partially deacetylate histone H3 at lysines 9 and 14. Moreover, cytoplasmic lysates of GV oocytes promoted somatic cell reprogramming and cloned embryo development, when assessed by measuring histone H3-K9 hypomethylation, Oct4 and Cdx2 expression in blastocysts, and the production of cloned offspring. Thus, genomic reprogramming factors are present in the cytoplasm of the GV oocyte and could facilitate cloning technology. This finding is also useful for research on the mechanisms involved in histone deacetylation and demethylation, even though histone methylation is thought to be epigenetically stable.

    DOI: 10.1242/dev.023747

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  • Production of healthy cloned mice from bodies frozen at-20 degrees C for 16 years Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Hiroshi Ohta, Takafusa Hikichi, Eiji Mizutani, Takamasa Iwaki, Osami Kanagawa, Teruhiko Wakayama


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATL ACAD SCIENCES  

    Cloning animals by nuclear transfer provides an opportunity to preserve endangered mammalian species. However, it has been suggested that the "resurrection" of frozen extinct species (such as the woolly mammoth) is impracticable, as no live cells are available, and the genomic material that remains is inevitably degraded. Here we report production of cloned mice from bodies kept frozen at -20 degrees C for up to 16 years without any cryoprotection. As all of the cells were ruptured after thawing, we used a modified cloning method and examined nuclei from several organs for use in nuclear transfer attempts. Using brain nuclei as nuclear donors, we established embryonic stem cell lines from the cloned embryos. Healthy cloned mice were then produced from these nuclear transferred embryonic stem cells by serial nuclear transfer. Thus, nuclear transfer techniques could be used to "resurrect" animals or maintain valuable genomic stocks from tissues frozen for prolonged periods without any cryopreservation.

    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0806166105

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  • Effect of volume of oocyte cytoplasm on embryo development after parthenogenetic activation, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, or somatic cell nuclear transfer Reviewed Major achievement

    Wakayama Sayaka, Kishigami Satoshi, Nguyen Van Thuan, Ohta Hiroshi, Hikichi Takafusa, Mizutani Eiji, Bui Hong Thuy, Miyake Masashi, Wakayama Teruhiko

    ZYGOTE   16 ( 3 )   211 - 222   2008.8( ISSN:0967-1994 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS  

    Animal cloning methods are now well described and are becoming routine. Yet, the frequency at which live cloned offspring are produced remains below 5%, irrespective of the nuclear donor species or cell type. One possible explanation is that the reprogramming factor(s) of each oocyte is insufficient or not properly adapted for the receipt of a somatic cell nucleus, because it is naturally prepared only for the receipt of a gamete. Here, we have increased the oocyte volume by oocyte fusion and examined its subsequent development. We constructed oocytes with volumes two to nine times greater than the normal volume by the electrofusion or mechanical fusion of intact and enucleated oocytes. We examined their in vitro and in vivo developmental potential after parthenogenetic activation, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). When the fused oocytes were activated parthenogenetically, most developed to morulae or blastocysts, regardless of their original size. Diploid fused oocytes were fertilized by ICSI and developed normally and after embryo transfer, we obtained 12 (4-15%) healthy and fertile offspring. However, enucleated fused oocytes could not support the development of mice cloned by SCNT. These results suggest that double fused oocytes have normal potential for development after fertilization, but oocytes with extra cytoplasm do not have enhanced reprogramming potential.

    DOI: 10.1017/S0967199408004620

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  • Somatic cell nuclear transfer: Infinite reproduction of a unique diploid genome Reviewed Major achievement

    Satoshi Kishigami, Sayaka Wakayama, Yoshihiko Hosoi, Akira Iritani, Teruhiko Wakayama

    EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH   314 ( 9 )   1945 - 1950   2008.5( ISSN:0014-4827 )

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    Language:English   Publisher:ELSEVIER INC  

    In mammals, a diploid genome of an individual following fertilization of an egg and a spermatozoon is unique and irreproducible. This implies that the generated unique diploid genome is doomed with the individual ending. Even as cultured cells from the individual, they cannot normally proliferate in perpetuity because of the "Hayflick limit". However, Dolly, the sheep cloned from an adult mammary gland cell, changes this scenario. Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) enables us to produce offspring without germ cells, that is, to "passage" a unique diploid genome. Animal cloning has also proven to be a powerful research tool for reprogramming in many mammals, notably mouse and cow. The mechanism underlying reprogramming, however, remains largely unknown and, animal cloning has been inefficient as a result. More momentously, in addition to abortion and fetal mortality, some cloned animals display possible premature aging phenotypes including early death and short telomere lengths. Under these inauspicious conditions, is it really possible for SCNT to preserve a diploid genome? Delightfully, in mouse and recently in primate, using SCNT we can produce nuclear transfer ES cells (ntES) more efficiently, which can preserve the eternal lifespan for the "passage" of a unique diploid genome. Further, new somatic cloning technique using histone-deacetylase inhibitors has been developed which can significantly increase the previous cloning rates two to six times. Here, we introduce SCNT and its value as a preservation tool for a diploid genome while reviewing aging of cloned animals on cellular and individual levels. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2008.01.027

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  • Nuclear reprogramming to produce cloned mice and embryonic stem cells from somatic cells Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, James M. Cummins, Teruhiko Wakayama

    REPRODUCTIVE BIOMEDICINE ONLINE   16 ( 4 )   545 - 552   2008.4( ISSN:1472-6483 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHCARE LTD  

    Cloning methods in mice are now well described and are becoming routine. However, the frequency at which cloned mice are produced remains below 5%, irrespective of the nucleus donor species or cell type. Only a few laboratories have made clones from adult mouse somatic cells and most strains have never produced cloned mice. On the other hand, nuclear transfer can be used to generate human embryonic stem (ntES) cell lines from a patient&apos;s own somatic cells. It has been shown that such cells can be generated relatively easily from a variety of mouse genotypes and cell types of both sexes, even though it may be more difficult to generate clones directly. This technique could be used in regenerative medicine and, in theory, in infertility clinics to treat completely infertile individuals. However, these results suggest that the reprogramming integrity of each cloned embryo differs: some cloned embryos can be converted to ntES cells, but these embryos cannot achieve full term development. This review outlines the nature of genomic reprogramming potential and its application, and suggests new approaches to avoid the ethical problems of creating embryos by nuclear transfer.

    Web of Science


  • Therapeutic cloning in individual parkinsonian mice Reviewed Major achievement

    Viviane Tabar, Mark Tomishima, Georgia Panagiotakos, Sayaka Wakayama, Jayanthi Menon, Bill Chan, Eiji Mizutani, George Al-Shamy, Hiroshi Ohta, Teruhiko Wakayama, Lorenz Studer

    NATURE MEDICINE   14 ( 4 )   379 - 381   2008.4( ISSN:1078-8956 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Cell transplantation with embryonic stem (ES) cell progeny requires immunological compatibility with host tissue. 'Therapeutic cloning' is a strategy to overcome this limitation by generating nuclear transfer (nt) ES cells that are genetically matched to an individual. Here we establish the feasibility of treating individual mice via therapeutic cloning. Derivation of 187 ntES cell lines from 24 parkinsonian mice, dopaminergic differentiation, and transplantation into individually matched host mice showed therapeutic efficacy and lack of immunological response.

    DOI: 10.1038/nm1732

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  • Nuclear transfer alters the DNA methylation status of specific genes in fertilized and parthenogenetically activated mouse embryonic stem cells Reviewed Major achievement

    Takafusa Hikichi, Takashi Kohda, Sayaka Wakayama, Fumitoshi Ishino, Teruhiko Wakayama

    STEM CELLS   26 ( 3 )   783 - 788   2008( ISSN:1066-5099 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ALPHAMED PRESS  

    Recent cloning technology has been demonstrated successfully using nuclear transfer (NT) techniques to generate embryonic stem (ES) cells. Mice can be cloned from adult somatic cells or ES cells by NT, and such cloned embryos can be used to establish new NT-ES cell lines. However, ES cells derived from parthenogenetic embryos show epigenetic disorders and low potential for normal differentiation unless used to produce subsequent generations of NT-ES lines. Thus, enucleated oocytes can initialize epigenetic modification, but the extent and efficacy of this remain unclear. In this study, our goal was to clarify why the contribution rate of ES cells derived from parthenogenetic embryos (pES) cells appears to improve after NT. We compared gene expression profiles between pES and NT-pES cell lines using DNA microarray analysis and allele-specific DNA methylation analysis. Although changes in expression level were observed for 4% of 34,967 genes, only 81 (0.2%) showed common changes across multiple cell lines. In particular, the expression level of a paternally expressed gene, U2af1-rs1, was significantly increased in all NT-pES cell lines investigated. The methylation status at the upstream differentially methylated region of U2af1-rs1 was also changed significantly after NT. This was observed in NT-pES cells, but also in conventionally produced NT-ES cells, which has never been reported previously. These results suggest that NT affects the epigenetic status of a few gene regions in common and that a change in the methylation status of U2af1-rs1 could be used as a genetic marker to investigate the effects of NT.

    DOI: 10.1634/stemcells.2007-0907

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  • Recloning of mice over six generations Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Chong Li, Tetsuo Ono, Teruhiko Wakayama

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   305 - 305   2008( ISSN:0006-3363 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:(MISC) Summary of the papers read (international conference)   Publisher:SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION  

    Web of Science

  • [Nuclear transfer and ntES cell derivation from somatic cells]. Reviewed Major achievement

    Wakayama S, Kishigami S, Wakayama T

    Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme   52 ( 16 Suppl )   2197 - 2202   2007.12( ISSN:0039-9450 )

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  • 高齢マウス体細胞からの胚性幹細胞の樹立と体細胞クローン個体作出 Major achievement

    水谷英二, 小野哲男, 李羽中, 若山清香, 若山照彦

    J Reprod Dev   53 ( Supplement )   J192   2007.9( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.100.0.20103.0


  • 核移植による体細胞由来ES細胞の樹立について Major achievement

    若山 清香

    The Journal of reproduction and development   53   j79   2007.9( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  

    CiNii Books

  • Establishment of ntES cell lines from aged, fertilization-failure mouse oocytes Major achievement

    WAKAYAMA Sayaka, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    24 ( 2 )   S56   2007.4( ISSN:1341-7738 )

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:(MISC) Introduction and explanation (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Books

  • Establishment of mouse embryonic stem cell lines from somatic cell nuclei by nuclear transfer into aged, fertilization-failure mouse oocytes Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Rinako Suetsugu, Nguyen Van Thuan, Hiroshi Ohta, Satoshi Kishigami, Teruhiko Wakayama

    CURRENT BIOLOGY   17 ( 4 )   R120 - R121   2007.2( ISSN:0960-9822 )

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    Language:English   Publisher:CELL PRESS  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2006.12.020

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  • Regulation of chromatin and chromosome morphology by histone H3 modifications in pig oocytes Reviewed Major achievement

    Hong-Thuy Bui, Nguyen Van Thuan, Satoshi Kishigami, Sayaka Wakayama, Takafusa Hikichi, Hiroshi Ohta, Eiji Mizutani, Emi Yamaoka, Teruhiko Wakayama, Takashi Miyano

    REPRODUCTION   133 ( 2 )   371 - 382   2007.2( ISSN:1470-1626 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BIO SCIENTIFICA LTD  

    Oocyte growth, maturation, and activation are complex processes that include transcription, heterochromatin formation, chromosome condensation and decondensation, two consecutive chromosome separations, and genomic imprinting. The objective of this study was to investigate changes in histone H3 modifications in relation to chromatin/chromosome morphology in pig oocytes during their growth, maturation, and activation. During the growth phase, histone H3 was acetylated at lysines 9, 14, and 18 (K9, K14, and K18), and became methylated at K9 when the follicles developed to the antral stage (oocyte diameter, 90 gm). When the fully grown oocytes (diameter, 120 gm) started their maturation, histone H3 became phosphorylated at serine 28 (S28) and then at S10, and deacetylated at K9, K14, and K18 as the chromosomes condensed. After the electroactivation of mature oocytes, histone H3 was reacetylated and dephosphorylated concomitant with the decondensation of the chromosomes. Histone H3 kinase activity increased over a similar time course to that of the phosphorylation of histone H3-S28 during oocyte maturation, and this activity decreased as histone H3-S10 and H3-S28 began to be dephosphorylated after the activation of the mature oocytes. These results suggest that the chromatin morphology of pig oocytes is regulated by the acetylation/deacetylation and the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of histone H3, and the phosphorylation of histone H3 is the key event in meiotic chromosome condensation in oocytes. The inhibition of histone deacetylase with trichostatin A (TSA) inhibited the deacetylation and phosphorylation of histone H3, and chromosome condensation. Therefore, the deacetylation of histone H3 is thought to be required for its phosphorylation in meiosis. Although histone H3 acetylation and phosphorylation were reversible, the histone methylation that was established during the oocyte growth phase was stable throughout the course of oocyte maturation and activation.

    DOI: 10.1530/REP-06-0099

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  • Successful mouse cloning of an outbred strain by trichostatin A treatment after somatic nuclear transfer Reviewed Major achievement

    Satoshi Kishigami, Hong-Thuy Bui, Sayaka Wakayama, Kenzo Tokunaga, Nguyen Van Thuan, Takafusa Hikichi, Eiji Mizutani, Hiroshi Ohta, Rinako Suetsugu, Tetsutaro Sata, Teruhiko Wakayama

    JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT   53 ( 1 )   165 - 170   2007.2( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOCIETY REPRODUCTION & DEVELOPMENT-SRD  

    Although the somatic cloning technique has been used for numerous applications and basic research of reprogramming in various species, extremely low success rates have plagued this technique for a decade. Further in mice, the "clonable" strains have been limited to mainly hybrid F1 strains such as B6D2F1. Recently, we established a new efficient cloning technique using trichostatin A (TSA) which leads to a 2-5 fold increase in success rates for mouse cloning of B6D2F1 cumulus cells. To further test the validity of this TSA cloning technique, we tried to clone the adult ICR mouse, an outbred strain, which has never been directly cloned before. Only when TSA was used did we obtain both male and female cloned mice from cumulus and fibroblast cells of adult ICR mice with 4-5% success rates, which is comparable to 5-7% of B6D2F1. Thus, the TSA treatment is the first cloning technique to allow us to successfully clone outbred mice, demonstrating that this technique not only improves the success rates of cloning from hybrid strains, but also enables mouse cloning from normally "unclonable" strains.

    DOI: 10.1262/jrd.18098

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  • Cytoplasm of a germinal vesicle oocyte can promote somatic nuclear reprogramming in mice Major achievement

    H. T. Bui, N. Van Thuan, S. Kishigami, S. Wakayama, T. Hikichi, H. Ohta, E. Mizutani, T. Wakayama

    REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT   19 ( 1 )   132 - 132   2007( ISSN:1031-3613 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:(MISC) Summary of the papers read (international conference)   Publisher:CSIRO PUBLISHING  

    Web of Science

  • Efficient establishment of mouse embryonic stem cell lines from single Blastomeres and polar bodies Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Takafusa Hikichi, Rinako Suetsugu, Yuko Sakaide, Hong-Thuy Bui, Eiji Mizutani, Teruhiko Wakayama

    STEM CELLS   25 ( 4 )   986 - 993   2007( ISSN:1066-5099 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Recently, ES cell lines were established from single blastomeres taken from eight-cell embryos in mice and humans with success rates of 4% and 2%, respectively, which suggests that the method could be used in regenerative medicine to reduce ethical concerns over harm to embryos. However, those studies used other ES cells as supporting cells. Here, we report a simple and highly efficient method of establishing mouse ES cell lines from single blastomeres, in which single blastomeres are simply plated onto a feeder layer of mouse embryonic fibroblasts with modified ES cell medium. A total of 112 ES cell lines were established from two-cell (establishment rate, 50%-69%), early four-cell (28%-40%), late four-cell (22%), and eight-cell (14%-16%) stage embryos. We also successfully established 18 parthenogenetic ES cell lines from first (36%-40%) and second polar bodies (33%), the nuclei of which were reconstructed to embryos by nuclear transfer. Most cell lines examined maintained normal karyotypes and expressed markers of pluripotency, including germline transmission in chimeric mice. Our results suggest that the single cells of all early-stage embryos or polar bodies have the potential to be converted into ES cells without any special treatment.

    DOI: 10.1634/stemcells.2006-0615

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  • Full-term development of mouse embryos produced from reconstructed giant oocytes by intracytoplasmic sperm head injection Major achievement

    S. Wakayama, S. Kishigami, V. T. Nguyen, H. Ohta, T. Hikichi, E. Mizutani, Y. Sakaide, B. H. Thuy, R. Suetsugu, T. Wakayama

    REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT   19 ( 1 )   305 - 305   2007( ISSN:1031-3613 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:(MISC) Summary of the papers read (international conference)   Publisher:CSIRO PUBLISHING  

    Web of Science

  • Successful establishment of pluripotent ntES cell lines from aged mice Major achievement

    E. Mizutani, S. Kishigami, N. V. Thuan, H. Ohta, T. Hikichi, B. H. Thuy, S. Wakayama, Y. Sakaide, T. Wakayama

    REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT   19 ( 1 )   151 - 151   2007( ISSN:1031-3613 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:(MISC) Summary of the papers read (international conference)   Publisher:CSIRO PUBLISHING  

    Web of Science

  • Success of mouse cloning from an outbred strain by trichostatin A treatment after somatic nuclear transfer Major achievement

    S. Kishigami, H. Bui, S. Wakayama, N. Van Thuan, T. Hikichi, E. Mizutani, H. Ohta, R. Suetsugu, T. Wakayama

    REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT   19 ( 1 )   145 - 145   2007( ISSN:1031-3613 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:(MISC) Summary of the papers read (international conference)   Publisher:CSIRO PUBLISHING  

    Web of Science

  • Observation of chromosome decondensation, histone H3 modification, and HP1 protein in mouse cloned embryos following inhibition of histone deacetylations and cyclin-dependent kinase Major achievement

    N. Van Thuan, B. Hong-Thuy, S. Wakayama, S. Kishigami, H. Ohta, T. Hikichi, E. Mizutani, T. Wakayama

    REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT   19 ( 1 )   164 - 165   2007( ISSN:1031-3613 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:(MISC) Summary of the papers read (international conference)   Publisher:CSIRO PUBLISHING  

    Web of Science

  • Developmental ability of cloned embryos from neural stem cells Reviewed Major achievement

    Eiji Mizutani, Hiroshi Ohta, Satoshi Kishigami, Nguyen Van Thuan, Takafusa Hikichi, Sayaka Wakayama, Mitsuko Kosaka, Eimei Sato, Teruhiko Wakayama

    REPRODUCTION   132 ( 6 )   849 - 857   2006.12( ISSN:1470-1626 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BIO SCIENTIFICA LTD  

    The success rate is generally higher when cloning mice from embryonic stem (ES) cell nuclei than from somatic cell nuclei, suggesting that the embryonic nature or the undifferentiated state of the donor cell increases cloning efficiency. We assessed the developmental ability of cloned embryos derived from cultured neural stem cell (NSC) nuclei and compared the success rate with that of embryos cloned from other donor cells such as differentiated NSCs, cumulus cells, Sertoli cells and ES cells in the mouse. The transfer of two-cell cloned embryos derived from cultured NSC nuclei into surrogate mothers produced five live cloned mice. However, the success rate (0.5%) was higher in embryos cloned from cultured NSC nuclei than from differentiated NSCs (0%), but lower than that obtained by cloning mice from other cell nuclei (2.2-3.50%). Although the in vitro developmental potential to the two-cell stage of the cloned embryos derived from NSC nuclei (73%) was similar to that of the cloned embryos derived from other somatic cell nuclei (e.g., 85% in Sertoli cells and 75% in cumulus cells), the developmental rate to the morula-blastocyst stage was only 7%. This rate is remarkably lower than that produced from other somatic cells (e.g., 50% in Sertoli cells and 54% in cumulus cells). These results indicate that the undifferentiated state of neural cells does not enhance the cloning efficiency in mice and that the arrest point for in vitro development of cloned embryos depends on the donor cell type.

    DOI: 10.1530/rep.1.01010

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  • [Recent advances in mouse somatic nuclear transfer technology]. Reviewed Major achievement

    Kishigami S, Wakayama S, Wakayama T

    Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme   51 ( 14 Suppl )   2064 - 2066   2006.11( ISSN:0039-9450 )

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  • Topics:体細胞クローン技術の新たな展開 (細胞核の世界--ダイナミクスから病態まで) -- (エピジェネティクスとリプログラミング) Major achievement

    岸上 哲士, 若山 清香, 若山 照彦

    蛋白質核酸酵素   51 ( 14 )   2064 - 2066   2006.11( ISSN:0039-9450 )

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:共立出版  

    CiNii Books

    Other Link: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2007144692

  • Equivalency of nuclear transfer-derived embryonic stem cells to those derived from fertilized mouse blastocysts Reviewed Major achievement

    Sayaka Wakayama, Martin L. Jakt, Masako Suzuki, Ryoko Araki, Takafusa Hikichi, Satoshi Kishigami, Hiroshi Ohta, Nguyen Van Thuan, Eiji Mizutani, Yuko Sakaide, Sho Senda, Satoshi Tanaka, Mitsuhiro Okada, Masashi Miyake, Masumi Abe, Shin-Ichi Nishikawa, Kunio Shiota, Teruhiko Wakayama

    STEM CELLS   24 ( 9 )   2023 - 2033   2006.9( ISSN:1066-5099 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ALPHAMED PRESS  

    Therapeutic cloning, whereby nuclear transfer (NT) is used to generate embryonic stem cells (ESCs) from blastocysts, has been demonstrated successfully in mice and cattle. However, if NT-ESCs have abnormalities, such as those associated with the offspring produced by reproductive cloning, their scientific and medical utilities might prove limited. To evaluate the characteristics of NT-ESCs, we established more than 150 NT-ESC lines from adult somatic cells of several mouse strains. Here, we show that these NT-ESCs were able to differentiate into all functional embryonic tissues in vivo. Moreover, they were identical to blastocyst-derived ESCs in terms of their expression of pluripotency markers in the presence of tissue-dependent differentially DNA methylated regions, in DNA microarray profiles, and in high-coverage gene expression profiling. Importantly, the NT procedure did not cause irreversible damage to the nuclei. These similarities of NT-ESCs and ESCs indicate that murine therapeutic cloning by somatic cell NT can provide a reliable model for preclinical stem cell research.

    DOI: 10.1634/stemcells.2005-0537

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  • Harmful or not: Trichostatin A treatment of embryos generated by ICSI or ROSI Reviewed Major achievement

    Satoshi Kishigami, Hiroshi Ohta, Eiji Mizutani, Sayaka Wakayama, Hong-Thuy Bui, Nguyen Van Thuan, Takafusa Hikichi, Rinako Suetsugu, Teruhiko Wakayama

    CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY   1 ( 3 )   376 - 385   2006.9( ISSN:1895-104X )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:VERSITA  

    Trichostatin A (TSA), a histone deacetylase inhibitor, is a known teratogen causing malformations such as vertebral fusions when applied during the postimplantation period; TSA also causes developmental arrest when applied during the preimplantantion period. Regardless of these hindrances, we have succeeded in the establishment of an efficient somatic method for the mouse where reconstructed embryos are treated with TSA. To elucidate this apparent discrepancy, we treated fertilized mouse embyros generated either by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) or round spermatid injection (ROSI) with 50 nM TSA for 20 h after fertilization as well as parthenogenetic embyros and found that TSA treatment inhibited the preimplantation development of ICSI embyros but not ROSI or parthenogenetic embyros. And, although we often observed hypomorphism following TSA treatment in embyros grown to full term produced by both ICSI (av. of body weight: 1.7 g vs. 1.5 g) and ROSI (1.6 g vs. 1.2 g), TSA treatment reduced the offspring production rate for ICSI from 57% to 34% but not for ROSI from 30% to 36%. Thus, these data indicate that the effects, harmful or not, of TSA treatment on embryonic development depend on their procedure in current Assisted Reproductive Technologies.(c) Versita Warsaw and Spring-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.2478/s11535-006-0023-5

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  • 核移植胚への同一ntES細胞注入によるクローン作出効率改善の試み Major achievement

    水谷英二, 岸上哲士, NGUYEN Van Thuan, 大田浩, 引地貴亮, BUI Hong Thuy, 若山清香, 若山照彦

    J Reprod Dev   52 ( Supplement )   J119   2006.8( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.


  • 極体および初期胚割球からのES細胞樹立の試み Major achievement

    若山清香, 岸上哲士, 坂出裕子, NGUYEN Van Thuan, 大田浩, 引地貴亮, 水谷英二, BUI Hong Thuy, 若山照彦

    J Reprod Dev   52 ( Supplement )   J125   2006.8( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.


  • Donor centrosome regulation of initial spindle formation in mouse somatic cell nuclear transfer: Roles of gamma-tubulin and nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1 Reviewed Major achievement

    N Van Thuan, S Wakayama, S Kishigami, T Wakayama

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   74 ( 5 )   777 - 787   2006.5( ISSN:0006-3363  eISSN:1529-7268 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION  

    During the process of spindle-chromosome complex depletion in the oocyte, it is unclear whether both gamma-tubulin and nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1 (NUMA1), which are required for mitotic organization and spindle assembly, are removed. The role of the donor cell centrosome and donor nuclear NUMA1 in the initial spindle morphogenesis and chromosome remodeling also remains unclear. In the present study, we show that in the mouse, the level of gamma-tubulin in the poles and around the metaphase II spindle declines significantly, whereas only approximately 10% of NUMA1 is removed during spindle-chromosome complex depletion in the recipient oocyte. This process does not impede initial spindle morphogenesis and is regulated by the centrosome of the donor cumulus cell. Retaining the donor cell centrosome establishes a monopolar spindle, whereas prior removal of the centrosome by a narrow-bore micropipette leads to bipolar spindle formation. Our data show that the centrosome of the donor cell regulates initial spindle morphogenesis and that the donor cumulus cell NUMA1 compensates for the deficiency in recipient NUMA1 during the formation of metaphase-like structures after nuclear transfer. Full-term offspring of cloned mice were obtained after injection of donor cells only with a pipette having an inner diameter of 7-8 mu m, which retained the donor cell centrosome. In contrast, removing the donor cell centrosome with a small pipette impaired preimplantation development and prevented full-term development. In conclusion, the initial spindle assembly of a metaphase-like spindle is regulated by the centrosome from the donor cell in the mouse.

    DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.105.044677

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  • Injection of somatic cell cytoplasm into oocytes before intracytoplasmic sperm injection impairs full-term development and increases placental weight in mice Reviewed Major achievement

    N Van Thuan, S Wakayama, S Kishigami, H Ohta, T Hikichi, E Mizutani, HT Bui, T Wakayama

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   74 ( 5 )   865 - 873   2006.5( ISSN:0006-3363 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION  

    This study investigated the effects on fertilized embryo development of somatic cytoplasm after its injection into intact mouse oocytes. Mature oocytes collected from female B6D2F1 mice were injected with cumulus cell cytoplasm of different volumes and from different mouse strains (B6D2F1, ICR, and C57BL/6), or with embryonic cytoplasm. After culture for 1 h, B6D2F1 sperm were injected into those oocytes by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The oocytes were examined for pre- and postimplantation developmental competence. Increases in the volume of the somatic cytoplasm from onefold to fourfold resulted in an impairment of blastocyst development and fullterm development (28% and 7%, respectively, vs. 96% and 63%, respectively, in the control group; P &lt; 0.01). An increase in the volume of somatic cytoplasm reduced the expression of POU5F1 (more commonly known as OCT4) in expanded blastocysts. The frequency of embryos that developed to the blastocyst stage did not differ when B6D2F1 or ICR somatic cytoplasm was injected, but injection of C57BL/6 somatic cytoplasm induced a two-cell block in embryo development. Injection of the cytoplasm from fertilized embryos did not reduce the frequency of embryos attaining full-term development. Interestingly, somatic cytoplasm significantly increased the placental weight of ICSI embryos, even the injection of onefold cytoplasm (0.20 +/- 0.02 [n = 32] vs. 0.12 +/- 0.02 in the control group [n = 87]; P &lt; 0.01). These findings indicate that the injection of somatic cytoplasm into oocytes before ICSI causes a decrease in preimplantation development, clearly impairs full-term development, and causes placental overgrowth in fertilized embryos. To our knowledge, placental overgrowth phenotypes are only caused by interspecies hybridization and cloning, and in genetically modified mice. Here, we report for the first time that somatic cytoplasm causes abnormal placentas in fertilized embryos. This study suggests that somatic cell cytoplasmic material is one cause of the low rate of full-term development in cloned mammals.

    DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.105.047803

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  • Effect on additional oocyte cytoplasm for developmental and reprogramming potential Major achievement

    WAKAYAMA Sayaka, KISHIGAMI Satoshi, VAN THUAN Nguyen, OHTA Hiroshi, HIKICHI Takafusa, MIZUTANI Eiji, THUY Bui Hong, MIYAKE Masashi, WAKAYAMA Teruhiko

    23 ( 2 )   S47   2006.4( ISSN:1341-7738 )

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    CiNii Books

  • Normal specification of the extraembryonic lineage after somatic nuclear transfer Reviewed Major achievement

    S Kishigami, T Hikichi, N Van Thuan, H Ohta, S Wakayama, HT Bui, E Mizutani, T Wakayama

    FEBS LETTERS   580 ( 7 )   1801 - 1806   2006.3( ISSN:0014-5793 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    To examine the establishment and maintenance of trophectoderm (TE) lineage in somatic cloned blastocysts, the expression of Cdx2, a key molecule for specification of TE fate, was immunohistochemically examined simultaneously with Oct4 expression. Cloned mouse embryos were made by nuclear transfer using cumulus cells, tail-tip fibroblasts, and embryonic stem cells. After 96 h of culture, the rates of Oct4-expressmg blastocysts were as low as 50%, and 60% for cumulus and fibroblast clones, respectively. However, regardless of Oct4 expression, the majority of those cloned blastocysts (&gt; 90%) normally expressed Cdx2. Thus, even though somatic cloned embryos have reduced potential to produce the inner cell mass lineage, the TE lineage can be established and maintained. (c) 2006 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2006.02.036

    Web of Science


  • Significant improvement of mouse cloning technique by treatment with trichostatin A after somatic nuclear transfer Reviewed Major achievement

    S Kishigami, E Mizutani, H Ohta, T Hikichi, N Van Thuan, S Wakayama, HT Bui, T Wakayama

    BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS   340 ( 1 )   183 - 189   2006.2( ISSN:0006-291X )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    The low success rate of animal cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is believed to be associated with epigenetic errors including abnormal DNA hypermethylation. Recently, we elucidated by using round spermatids that, after nuclear transfer, treatment of zygotes with trichostatin A (TSA), an inhibitor of historic deacetylase, can remarkably reduce abnormal DNA hypermethylation depending on the origins of transferred nuclei and their genomic regions [S. Kishigami, N. Van Thuan, T. Hikichi, H. Ohta, S. Wakayama. E. Mizutani, T. Wakayama, Epigenetic abnormalities of the mouse paternal zygotic genome associated with microinsemination of round spermatids, Dev. Biol. (2005) in press]. Here, we found that 5-50 nM TSA-treatment for 10 h following oocyte activation resulted in more efficient in vitro development of somatic cloned embryos to the blastocyst stage from 2- to 5-fold depending on the donor cells including tail tip cells, spleen cells, neural stem cells, and cumulus cells. This TSA-treatment also led to more than 5-fold increase in success rate of mouse cloning from cumulus cells without obvious abnormality but failed to improve ES cloning success. Further, we succeeded in establishment of nuclear transfer-embryonic stem (NT-ES) cells from TSA-treated cloned blastocyst at a rate three times higher than those from untreated cloned blastocysts. Thus, our data indicate that TSA-treatment after SCNT in mice can dramatically improve the practical application of current cloning techniques. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2005.11

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  • Cloned mice and embryonic stem cell establishment from adult somatic cells. Reviewed Major achievement

    Kishigami S, Wakayama S, van Thuan N, Wakayama T

    Human cell   19 ( 1 )   2 - 10   2006.2( ISSN:0914-7470 )

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    DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-0774.2005.00001.x


  • Epigenetic abnormalities of the mouse paternal zygotic genome associated with microinsemination of round spermatids Reviewed Major achievement

    S Kishigami, N Van Thuan, T Hikichi, H Ohta, S Wakayama, E Mizutani, T Wakayama

    DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY   289 ( 1 )   195 - 205   2006.1( ISSN:0012-1606 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    Although round spermatid injection can be used to create progeny for males who do not produce mature sperm, the rate of successful embryogenesis after such procedures is significantly lower than that for similar procedures using mature spermatozoa. The mechanisms underlying this difference are unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that, unlike the normal paternal genome, the paternal zygotic genome derived from a round spermatid is highly remethylated before first mitosis after demethylation. Genomes from elongated spermatids exhibited an intermediate level of DNA methylation, between those of round spermatids and mature spermatozoa, suggesting that the male germ cell acquires the ability to maintain its undermethylated state in the paternal zygotic genome during this phase of spermiogenesis. In addition, treatment of zygotes with trichostatin A led to a significant reduction in DNA methylation, specifically in the spermatid-derived paternal genome, except for the pericentromeric regions enriched by trimethylation of Lys9 of histone H3. These data provide insight into epigenetic errors that may be associated with the poor development of embryos generated from immature spermatozoa. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2005.10.026

    Web of Science


  • Production of cloned mice by somatic cell nuclear transfer Reviewed Major achievement

    Satoshi Kishigami, Sayaka Wakayama, Nguyen Van Thuan, Hiroshi Ohta, Eiji Mizutani, Takafusa Hikichi, Hong-Thuy Bui, Sebastian Balbach, Atsuo Ogura, Michele Boiani, Teruhiko Wakayama

    NATURE PROTOCOLS   1 ( 1 )   125 - 138   2006( ISSN:1754-2189 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Although it has now been 10 years since the first cloned mammals were generated from somatic cells using nuclear transfer (NT), the success rate for producing live offspring by cloning remains &lt; 5%. Nevertheless, the techniques have potential as important tools for future research in basic biology. We have been able to develop a stable NT method in the mouse, in which donor nuclei are directly injected into the oocyte using a piezo- actuated micromanipulator. Although manipulation of the piezo unit is complex, once mastered it is of great help not only in NT experiments but also in almost all other forms of micromanipulation. In addition to this technique, embryonic stem (ES) cell lines established from somatic cell nuclei by NT can be generated relatively easily from a variety of mouse genotypes and cell types. Such NT-ES cells can be used not only for experimental models of human therapeutic cloning but also as a backup of the donor cell&apos;s genome. Our most recent protocols for mouse cloning, as described here, will allow the production of cloned mice in &gt;= 3 months.

    DOI: 10.1038/nprot.2006.21

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  • Generation of progeny from embryonic stem cells by microinsemination of male germ cells from chimeric mice Major achievement

    Mizutani,E, Ohta,H, Kishigami,S, Thuan,NV, Hikichi,T, Wakayama,S, Sato,E, Wakayama,T

    In Challenge of Animal Industry for the Wellbeing of Mankind, XIIth AAAP Animal Science Congress 2006   4 - 8   2006

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  • Supplementation of a cloned embryo with ES/ntES cells can increase the cell number of the blastocyst but not rescue full term development. Major achievement

    Eiji Mizutani, Satoshi Kishigami, Nguyen Van Thuan, Hiroshi Ohta, Takafusa Hikichi, Hong Thuy Bui, Sayaka Wakayama, Teruhiko Wakayama

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   180 - 180   2006( ISSN:0006-3363 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:(MISC) Summary of the papers read (international conference)   Publisher:SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION  

    Web of Science

  • Mice cloned by nuclear transfer from somatic and ntES cells derived from the same individuals Reviewed Major achievement

    S Wakayama, E Mizutani, S Kishigami, N Van Thuan, H Ohta, T Hikichi, HT Bui, M Miyake, T Wakayama

    JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT   51 ( 6 )   765 - 772   2005.12( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOCIETY REPRODUCTION & DEVELOPMENT-SRD  

    The current success rate of cloned mice from adult somatic cell nuclei is very low, whereas it is relatively high for cloned mice from ES cell nuclei. In this experiment, we examined whether the success rate of cloning from somatic cells could be improved via nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells (ntES cells) established from somatic cell nuclei. We obtained 11 cloned mice and 68 ntES cell lines from the somatic cell nuclei of 7 mice, and cloned 41 mice were cloned from the ntES cell nuclei. Unexpectedly, the overall success rate of cloning from ntES cell nuclei in this series was no better than when using somatic cell nuclei. Interestingly, full-term cloned mice were produced only via ntES cells from two individuals, but not by direct nuclear transfer from the somatic cells, and vice versa. Ultimately, we were able to obtain clone mice from 6 out of 7 individuals using either somatic cells or ntES cells. Thus, although ntES cells as donor nuclei do not absolutely assure a better success rate for mouse cloning than somatic cells, to preserve and clone valuable individuals, we recommend that ntES cell lines be established. These can then be used as an unlimited source of donor nuclei for nuclear transfer, and thus complement conventional somatic cell nuclear transfer cloning approaches.

    DOI: 10.1262/jrd.17061

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  • 体細胞および同一個体由来nES細胞からのクローンマウスの作出 Major achievement

    若山 清香, 水谷 英二, 岸上 哲士

    The Journal of reproduction and development   51 ( 6 )   765 - 772   2005.12( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction  


    CiNii Books

  • Generation of progeny from embryonic stem cells by microinsemination of male germ cells from chimeric mice Reviewed Major achievement

    E Mizutani, H Ohta, S Kishigami, N Van Thuan, T Hikichi, S Wakayama, E Sato, T Wakayama

    GENESIS   43 ( 1 )   34 - 42   2005.9( ISSN:1526-954X )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-LISS  

    Mice chimeric for embryonic stem (ES) cells have not always successfully produced ES-derived offspring. Here we show that the male gametes from ES cells could be selected in male chimeric mice testes by labeling donor ES cells or host blastocytes with GFP. Male GFP-expressing ES-derived germ cells occurred as colonies in the chimeric testes, where the seminiferous tubules were separated into green and non-green regions. When mature spermatozoa from green tubules were used for microinsemination, GFP-expressing offspring were efficiently obtained. Using a reverse study, we also obtained ES-derived progeny from GFP-negative ES cells in GFP-labeled host chimeras. Furthermore, we showed this approach could be accelerated by using round spermatids from the testes of 20-day-old chimeric mice. Thus, this technique allowed us to generate the ES cell-derived progeny even from the low contributed chimeric mice, which cannot produce ES-origin offspring by natural mating.

    DOI: 10.1002/gene.20153

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  • 細胞質量がマウス卵子の発生能に及ぼす影響について Major achievement

    若山清香, 岸上哲士, VAN THUAN Ngyuan, 大田浩, 引地貴亮, 水谷英二, THUY Bui Hong, 三宅正史, 若山照彦

    J Reprod Dev   51 ( Supplement )   J71   2005.8( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  

    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.


  • 神経幹細胞核移植によるクローンマウス作出 Major achievement

    水谷英二, 大田浩, 岸上哲士, VAN THUAN Nguyen, 引地貴亮, THUY Bui Hong, 若山清香, 佐藤英明, 若山照彦

    J Reprod Dev   51 ( Supplement )   J102   2005.8( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    DOI: 10.14882/jrds.


  • Establishment of male and female nuclear transfer embryonic stem cell lines from different mouse strains and tissues Reviewed Major achievement

    S Wakayama, H Ohta, S Kishigami, N Van Thuan, T Hikichi, E Mizutani, M Miyake, T Wakayama

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   72 ( 4 )   932 - 936   2005.4( ISSN:0006-3363 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION  

    Nuclear transfer can be used to generate embryonic stem cell lines from somatic cells, and these have great potential in regenerative medicine. However, it is still unclear whether any individual or cell type can be used to generate such lines. Here, we tested seven different male and female mouse genotypes and three cell types as sources of nuclei to determine the efficiency of establishing nuclear transfer embryonic stem cell lines. Lines were successfully established from all sources. Cumulus cell nuclei from F(1)mouse genotypes showed a significantly higher cumulative establishment rate from reconstructed oocytes than from other cells; however, there were no genotype differences in success rates from cloned blastocysts. Thus, the overall success depends on preimplantation development, and, once embryos have reached the blastocyst stage, the genotype differences disappear. All mouse genotypes that were tested demonstrated at least one cell line that subsequently contributed to germline transmission in chimeric mice, so these cell lines clearly possess the same potential as embryonic stem cells derived from fertilized embryos. Thus, nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells can be generated relatively easily from a variety of inbred mouse genotypes and cell types of both sexes, even though it may be more difficult to generate clones directly.

    DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.104.035105

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  • New preservation method for mouse spermatozoa without freezing Reviewed Major achievement

    N Van Thuan, S Wakayama, S Kishigami, T Wakayama

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   72 ( 2 )   444 - 450   2005.2( ISSN:0006-3363 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION  

    The objective of this study was to investigate the preservation of spermatozoa in a simple medium without freezing and to examine the effects of the preserved sperm on fertilization and development after injection into mature mouse oocytes. Mouse spermatozoa were collected from two caudae epididymides of mature B6D2F1 males and stored under various conditions: 1) in KSOMaa medium (potassium simplex optimized medium with amino acids) supplemented with 0, 1, or 4 mg/ml BSA and held at room temperature (RT, 27degreesC); 2) in KSOMaa medium containing 4 mg/ml BSA (KSOM-BSA) and held at 4degreesC, RT, or 37degreesC (CO2 incubator); 3) in KSOM-BSA with osmolarity ranging from 271 to 2000 mOsmol, adjusted by addition of NaCl and held at 4degreesC; and 4) a two-step preservation system consisting of storage in 800 mOsmol KSOM-BSA for 1 wk at RT followed by storage at -20degreesC. Preservation of mouse spermatozoa at VC in a medium with high osmolarity (700-1000 mOsmol) resulted in the highest frequency of live births after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) into mature oocytes. The optimal conditions for preservation of mouse spermatozoa were 800 mOsmol KSOM containing 4 mg/ml BSA and a holding temperature of 4degreesC. More than 40% of oocytes injected with sperm heads stored under these conditions for 2 mo developed to the morula/blastocyst stage in vitro and 39% of the embryos developed to term after transfer to recipient mice. Our results also indicate that mouse spermatozoa can be stored in 800 mOsmol KSOM-BSA medium at RT for 1 wk and then at -20degreesC for up to 3 mo and retain their competence for ICSI. These new preservation methods permit extended conservation of viable spermatozoa that are capable of supporting normal embryonic development and the live birth of healthy offspring after ICSI.

    DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.104.034678

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  • Round spermatids stained with MitoTracker can be used to produce offspring more simply Reviewed Major achievement

    T Hikichi, S Kishigami, N Van Thuan, H Ohta, E Mizutani, S Wakayama, T Wakayama

    ZYGOTE   13 ( 1 )   55 - 61   2005.2( ISSN:0967-1994 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS  

    Although both intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and round spermatid injection (ROSI) are used in infertility treatments, the rate of offspring achieved with ROSI is low compared with that achieved with ICSI. The difficulty in correctly selecting round spermatids from testicular cells is one of the causes of this phenomenon. We easily selected live round spermatids from testicular cells stained with 20 nM MitoTracker, which visualizes mitochondria without killing the cell. Using this method, we divided round spermatids into three groups based. on the polarization of their mitochondria, and performed ROSI. The rate of successful offspring achieved with MitoTracker-stained ROSI was the same in all groups. This indicates that changes in the polarization of mitochondria in round spermatids are not directly related to the developmental capacity of subsequently fertilized embryos. Because this staining has no harmful effects on embryo development, the selection of spermatids by MitoTracker under a fluorescence microscope should be useful in research into and the treatment of infertility.

    DOI: 10.1017/S0967199405003023

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  • Propagation of an infertile hermaphrodite mouse lacking germ cells by using nuclear transfer and embryonic stem cell technology Reviewed Major achievement

    S Wakayama, S Kishigami, N Van Thuan, H Ohta, T Hikichi, E Mizutani, R Yanagimachi, T Wakayama


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATL ACAD SCIENCES  

    Animals generated by systematic mutagenesis and routine breeding are often infertile because they lack germ cells, and maintenance of such lines of animals has been impossible. We found a hermaphrodite infertile mouse in our colony, a genetic male with an abnormal Y chromosome lacking developing germ cells. We tried to clone this mouse by conventional nuclear transfer but without success. ES cells produced from blastocysts, which had been cloned by using somatic cell nuclear transfer (ntES cells) from this mouse, were also unable to produce offspring when injected into enucleated oocytes. Although we were able to produce two chimeric offspring using these ntES cells by tetraploid complementation, they were infertile, because they also lacked developing germ cells. However, when such ntES cells were injected into normal diploid blastocysts, many chimeric offspring were produced. One such male offspring transmitted hermaphrodite mouse genes to fertile daughters via X chromosome-bearing sperm. Thus, ntES cells were used to propagate offspring from infertile mice lacking germ cells.

    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0408548102

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  • Embryonic stem cell lines from somatic cell nuclei via nuclear transfer. Invited Major achievement

    Wakayama S, Wakayama T

    J. Mamm. Ova. Res.   22 ( 3 )   152 - 158   2005( ISSN:1341-7738 )

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    Language:English   Publisher:JAPANESE SOCIETY OF OVA RESEARCH  

    The progress of nuclear transfer technology, we can create cloned animals. And recently from this same technology we can possible to establish nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells (ntES cell). From our experiments we can establish mouse ntES cells, which any kind of cell type and strain and sex. And ntES cell has very similar ability like ES cells that has capacities for in vitro differentiation and in vivo germline transmission. The ntES cell made from donor somatic cells, which are very useful for therapeutic cloning Because of no immune rejection. Especially for human, it have high expectation from this new opportunity for rejuvenation of the ageing or diseased body. However, even for cloned animals the efficiency is so low and that have many problems. So, it necessary to do more analysis of ntES cell can work normal and safe before clinic.<br>

    DOI: 10.1274/jmor.22.152

  • Normality of nuclear transfer embryonic stem cell lines derived from adult somatic cells. Major achievement

    S Wakayama, S Senda, T Hikichi, S Kishigami, E Mizutani, N Van Thuan, H Ohta, M Miyake, K Shiota, T Wakayama

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   90 - 90   2005( ISSN:0006-3363 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:(MISC) Summary of the papers read (international conference)   Publisher:SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION  

    Web of Science

  • Production of offspring from one-day-old oocytes stored at room temperature Reviewed Major achievement

    S Wakayama, NV Thuan, S Kishigami, H Ohta, E Mizutani, T Hikichi, M Miyake, T Wakayama

    JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT   50 ( 6 )   627 - 637   2004.12( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOCIETY REPRODUCTION & DEVELOPMENT-SRD  

    To determine the feasibility of preserving oocytes without freezing, we stored mouse oocytes in several media at different temperatures for one day. Confocal microscopy of the metaphase-II spindle in these stored oocytes revealed gross abnormalities in both the spindle and the arrangement of chromosomes. The abnormal spindles could not be rescued by transplanting the aged spindle-chromo some complex into a fresh enucleated oocyte. A diploid parthenogenetic development showed that some of the oocytes stored at room temperature could still develop into blastocysts (10-57%). However, oocytes stored in a refrigerator (5%) or incubator (0%) lost the potential almost entirely. Fertilization of room-temperature-preserved oocytes with fresh spermatozoa by ICSI or lVF resulted in, respectively, 4 and 10%, full-term births. These results suggest that when oocytes are stored at room temperature for one day, most have irreversible damage not only to their cytoplasm but also to the spindle. However, since at least a few percent of stored oocytes retained the potential for full-term development, it may be possible to overcome these problems and develop a simple method for preserving mammalian oocytes without freezing.

    DOI: 10.1262/jrd.50.627

    Web of Science


  • 24時間室温保存したマウス卵母細胞子からの産仔の作出 Major achievement

    若山 清香, 岸上 哲士, Thuan N.V., ほか5名

    The Journal of reproduction and development   50 ( 6 )   627 - 637   2004.12( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction  


    CiNii Books

  • A novel method for isolating spermatid nuclei from cytoplasm prior to ROSI in the mouse Reviewed Major achievement

    S Kishigami, N Van Thuan, S Wakayama, T Hikichi, T Wakayama

    ZYGOTE   12 ( 4 )   321 - 327   2004.11( ISSN:0967-1994 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS  

    In the current widely used round spermatid injection (ROSI) protocol for the mouse, the spermatid nucleus is separated from most of the cytoplasm before ROSI by drawing a spermatid in and out of a pipette. This results in the highest rate of normal fertilization. However, this separation method is not always consistent and can be time-consuming. An alternative separation method that cuts away the cytoplasm using the tip of an injection pipette was developed. After removing the cytoplasm, ROSI was performed following both post- and pre-activation protocols and development in vitro and in vivo were examined. The new method consistently removed the bulk of the cytoplasm, as shown by quantifying mitochondria. ROSI without the cytoplasm resulted in significantly higher rates of fertilization than ROSI with the cytoplasm into either post- or pre-activated oocytes. Furthermore, the offspring production rates of ROSI without the cytoplasm were also high (50% and 49% for the post- and pre-activation protocols, respectively). This new method for separating the cytoplasm is an alternative way of producing offspring using ROSI.

    DOI: 10.1017/S0967199404002965

    Web of Science


  • GFPを指標としたES細胞由来配偶子の選択的受精法の開発 Major achievement

    水谷英二, 大田浩, 岸上哲士, NGUYEN V T, 引地貴亮, 若山清香, 佐藤英明, 若山照彦

    J Reprod Dev   50 ( Supplement )   J103   2004.8( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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  • 生殖細胞を完全に欠損したミュータントマウスからの子孫の作出 Major achievement

    若山清香, 岸上哲士, NGYUAN V T, 大田浩, 引地貴亮, 水谷英二, 三宅正史, 若山照彦

    J Reprod Dev   50 ( Supplement )   J52   2004.8( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  


  • 円形精子細胞の分化段階とROSI効率との関係 Major achievement

    引地貴亮, 岸上哲士, NGUYEN V T, 大田浩, 水谷英二, 若山清香, 若山照彦

    J Reprod Dev   50 ( Supplement )   J101   2004.8( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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  • ICSIとROSI後の雄性前核のメチル化状態の違いについて Major achievement

    岸上哲士, NGUYEN V T, 引地貴亮, 大田浩, 若山清香, 水谷英二, 若山照彦

    J Reprod Dev   50 ( Supplement )   J100   2004.8( ISSN:0916-8818 )

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  • Similar time restriction for intracytoplasmic sperm injection and round spermatid injection into activated oocytes for efficient offspring production Reviewed Major achievement

    S Kishigami, S Wakayama, N Van Thuan, T Wakayama

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   70 ( 6 )   1863 - 1869   2004.6( ISSN:0006-3363 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION  

    The injection of male haploid germ cells, such as spermatozoa and round spermatids, into preactivated mouse oocytes can result in the development of viable embryos and offspring. However, it is not clear how the timing of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and round spermatid injection (ROSI) affects the production of offspring. We carried out ICSI and ROSI every 20 min for up to 4 h after the activation of mouse oocytes by Sr2+ and compared the late-stage development of ICSI- and ROSI-treated oocytes, including the formation of pronuclei, blastocyst formation, and offspring production. The rate of pronucleus formation (RPF) after carrying out ICSI started to decrease from &gt;95% at 100 min following oocyte activation and declined to &lt;20% by 180 min. In comparison, RPF by ROSI decreased gradually from &gt;70% between 0 and 4 h after activation. The RPFs were closely correlated with blastocyst formation. Offspring production for both ICSI and ROSI decreased significantly when injections were conducted after 100 min, a time at which activated oocytes were in the early G1 stage of the cell cycle. These results suggest that spermatozoa and round spermatids have different potentials for inducing the formation of a male pronucleus in activated oocytes, but ICSI and ROSI are both subject to the same time constraint for the efficient production of offspring, which is determined by the cell cycle of the activated oocyte.

    DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.103.025171

    Web of Science


  • マウスntES細胞の系統別樹立成績について Major achievement

    若山清香, 岸上哲士, NGUYAN V T, 大田浩, 弘地貴亮, 水谷英二, 三宅正史, 若山照彦

    J Mamm Ova Res   21 ( 2 )   S62   2004.4( ISSN:1341-7738 )

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    CiNii Books


  • Different methylation states of the zygotic paternal genome after ICSI and ROSI. Major achievement

    S Kishigami, VT Nguyen, T Hikichi, H Ohta, S Wakayama, E Mizutani, T Wakayama

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   100 - 100   2004( ISSN:0006-3363 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:(MISC) Summary of the papers read (international conference)   Publisher:SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION  

    Web of Science

  • Effects of treatments of donor somatic cells on the efficiency of mouse cloning. Major achievement

    VT Nguyen, S Wakayama, S Kishigami, T Hikichi, H Ohta, E Mizutani, T Wakayama

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   239 - 239   2004( ISSN:0006-3363 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:(MISC) Summary of the papers read (international conference)   Publisher:SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION  

    Web of Science

  • Different potentials of spermatozoa and spermatid for pronuclear formation after oocyte activation Major achievement

    S Kishigami, S Wakayama, VT Nguyen, T Wakayama

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   68   166 - 166   2003( ISSN:0006-3363 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:(MISC) Summary of the papers read (international conference)   Publisher:SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION  

    Web of Science

  • Effect of timing of the removal of oocyte chromosomes before or after injection of somatic nucleus on development of NT embryos Reviewed Major achievement

    S Wakayama, JB Cibelli, T Wakayama

    CLONING AND STEM CELLS   5 ( 3 )   181 - 189   2003( ISSN:1536-2302 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MARY ANN LIEBERT INC PUBL  

    Cloning methods are now well described and becoming routine. Yet the frequency at which live cloned offspring are produced (as a percentage of starting one-cell embryos) remains below 5% irrespective of nucleus donor species or cell type. In considering the cause(s) of this universally low efficiency, features common to all cloning protocols are strong candidates. One such shared feature is enucleation; the donor nucleus is inserted into an enucleated cytoplast (ooplast). However, it is not known whether a nucleus-free metaphase II oocyte is developmentally impaired other than by virtue of lacking chromosomes, or if in nuclear transfer protocols, enucleation removes factors necessary to reprogram the incoming nucleus. We have here investigated the role of enucleation in nuclear transfer. Three hours after the injection of cumulus cell nuclei into non-enucleated oocytes, 65% contained two distinct metaphase spindles, with the remainder exhibiting a single spindle in which oocyte-derived and nucleus donor chromosomes were mixed. However, staining only one hour after donor nucleus insertion revealed that most had two discrete spindles. In the absence of staining, the donor nucleus spindle was not visible. This provided a straightforward way to identify and select the oocyte-derived metaphase chromosomes 1 h after donor nucleus microinjection, and 34-41% cloned embryo developed to the morulla-blastocyst stage following Sr2+-induced activation. Of these, two (1% of starting one-cell embryos) developed to term, an efficiency which is comparable to that obtained for controls (6 clone; 1-2%) in which enucleation preceded nuclear transfer. In conclusion, the timing of the removal of oocyte chromosomes before or after injection of somatic nucleus had no effect on cloned embryo development. These findings argue that neither oocyte chromosome depletion per se, nor the potential removal of "reprogramming" factors during enucleation explain the low efficiency of nuclear transfer cloning.

    DOI: 10.1089/153623003769645848

    Web of Science


  • Normal fertilization and development of oocytes injected with long-term preserved mouse spermatozoa without freezing. Major achievement

    N Van Thuan, S Wakayama, S Kishigami, T Wakayama

    BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION   68   280 - 280   2003( ISSN:0006-3363 )

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    Language:English   Publishing type:(MISC) Summary of the papers read (international conference)   Publisher:SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION  

    Web of Science

▼display all


  • 宇宙×繁殖 宇宙繁殖のススメ


    繁殖生物学会 若手の会  2023.9 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium workshop panel(nominated)  


  • ISS内「きぼう」で約6年間、宇宙放射線に暴露されたマウス精子からの産仔作出について

    日本宇宙生物科学会第35回大会  2021.9  一般社団法人日本宇宙生物科学会

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    Event date: 2021.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation(general)  


  • 哺乳類の核にはクマムシ並みの極限環境耐性がある


    繁殖生物学会 2019  2019.9 

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    Event date: 2019.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • Space Reproduction ~Effect of space environment on mammalian reproduction ~ Invited International conference

    Sayaka Wakayama

    Asgardia's First Space Science and Investment Congress  2019.8  Asgardia

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    Event date: 2019.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium workshop panel(nominated)  

  • 哺乳類の核は常識を覆す極限温度に耐えられる -生命宇宙起源説を後押しする発見- Major achievement


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    Event date: 2019.4

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Media report,etc.  

    Venue:山梨大学 プレスリリース  

Industrial Property Rights

  • 凍結卵培養装置及び凍結卵の培養方法 Major achievement

    若山 照彦, 若山 清香, 鈴木 智美, 山▲崎▼ 千秋

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    Applicant:国立大学法人山梨大学, 国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構

    Application no:特願2021-122191  Date applied:2021.7

    Announcement no:特開2022-025043  Date announced:2022.2


  • 凍結卵培養装置及び凍結卵の培養方法 Major achievement


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    Applicant:国立大学法人山梨大学 国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構

    Application no:2020-127635  Date applied:2020.7

    Country of applicant:Foreign country  


  • 2023年度山梨大学男女共同参画学術優秀賞 受賞 Major achievement

    2023.12   山梨大学  

  • 山梨大学男女共同参画学術優秀賞 受賞 Major achievement

    2023.12   山梨大学  

  • 平成29年度山梨大学男女共同参画学術優秀賞 受賞 Major achievement

    2017.10   山梨大学  

  • 学術奨励賞受賞 Major achievement

    2007.5   日本哺乳動物卵子学会  

  • First Prize of Poster Presentation Award Major achievement

    2005.11   The 2nd Asian Reproductive Biotechnology conference Thailand  

  • JRD Outstanding Paper Award Major achievement

    2005.9   日本繁殖生物学会  

  • Lalor Foundation Travel/Merit Award Major achievement

    2005.7   38th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction Quebec City  

▼display all

Teaching Experience (On-campus)

  • Advanced Health Science


  • Advanced Lecture on Gamete Cell Technology Major achievement


  • Experiments in Developmental Biotechnology


  • Research on Bioscience B


  • Research on Bioscience A


  • Seminar on Bioscience B


  • Seminar on Bioscience A


  • Advanced Lecture on Developmental Biology


  • Life Science


  • Advanced Lecture on Gamete Cell Technology Major achievement


  • Research on Bioscience A Major achievement


  • Seminar on Bioscience A Major achievement


▼display all

Guidance results

  • 2023

    Type:Achievement of student guidance (graduate school)

    Number of people receiving guidance :11people 

  • 2023

    Type:Thesis doctoral research guidance

    Number of people receiving guidance :3people  (Overseas students):1people

    Graduation / pass / number of people awarded degrees :3people 

  • 2023

    Type:Master's (Major B course)dissertations guidance

    Number of people receiving guidance :5people 

  • 2023

    Type:Undergraduate (Major A course)graduation thesis guidance

    Number of people receiving guidance :5people 

  • 2022

    Type:Achievement of student guidance (graduate school)

    Number of people receiving guidance :11people  (Overseas students):1people

    Graduation / pass / number of people awarded degrees :3people 

    Number of teachers:3people

  • 2020

    Type:Ph.D. dissertations guidance

    Number of people receiving guidance :1people 

  • 2020

    Type:Master's (Major B course)dissertations guidance

    Number of people receiving guidance :3people  (Overseas students):1people

  • 2020

    Type:Undergraduate (Major A course)graduation thesis guidance

    Number of people receiving guidance :3people 

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Social Activities

  • 繁殖×宇宙

    Role(s): Panelist

    繁殖生物学会2023  若手研究者交流会  2023.9

  • 人類は宇宙で子孫を作れるか

    Role(s): Appearance

    読売新聞  第5回連続市民講座の配布資料について  yamanashi Univ.  2021.8

  • 哺乳類の核は常識を覆す極限温度に耐えられる -生命宇宙起源説を後押しする発見-


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    Audience: General

    Type:Newspaper, magazine

Professional Memberships

  • COSPAR Major achievement


  • 日本宇宙生物学会 Major achievement


  • 日本実験動物学会 Major achievement


  • 日本繁殖生物学会  Major achievement


  • 日本哺乳動物卵子学会  Major achievement


Media Coverage

  • 無重力で哺乳類胚は発生するのか Space Embryo Newspaper, magazine

    NHK  2023.6

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